Factory Initialize and Reset Device Lock
This unit can be returned to the state of the factory shipment.
Touch the “Factory Initialize” in the test mode menu. (To know how to enter test mode, refer previous post; here)
When “Yes” is touched, the deletion of all histories and reset of all settings are executed, and then this unit turns the power off.
Update Waveform
LUT rewriting and the LUT update confirmation can be executed.
As for INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT, the parameter that rewrites the screen of each FPL lot number and TFT vender are different. This parameter is called LUT (Look Up Table). Therefore, you need to rewrite the LUT when replacing the complete MAIN board or CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT).
However, rewriting is not required if the FPL lot number and TFT vender are the same.
Not Update Waveform
Note 1: LUT is written in IC2001 on the MAIN board.Procedure:
The LUT confirm method is different according to replaced parts.
When the complete MAIN board is replaced:
Disassemble this unit until the FPL lot number and TFT vender are seen, and confirm the FPL lot number and TFT vender referring to the figure below. Record the confirmed the FPL lot number and TFT vender by taking the memo etc.
When the CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT) is replaced:
1. Confirm the FPL lot number and TFT vender described on the label of new CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT). Record the confirmed the FPL lot number and TFT vender by taking the memo etc..
2. Replace complete MAIN board or CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT) for new parts, and assemble this unit.
3. Confirm the following data to the service headquarters.
WF file corresponding to the recorded FPL lot number and TFT vender
WF file translation tool (wwv_parser.exe)
4. Copy the file and the tool obtained in step 3 to directly under the C drive of PC (Windows XP or more is recommended)
5. Start the command prompt, and execute the following commands.
“c:\wwv_parser.exe -o c:\lut.bin c:\” + “(file name of WF file)”
The “lut.bin” file is generated to directly under the C drive.
6. Press the [Power] key to turn the power on.
7. Confirm the HOME menu was completely displayed, and connect this unit to PC by the USB cable (MICRO B).
8. Confirm the USB connection screen displayed, and touch the
“Data Transfer Mode”.
9. Confirm the “READER” drive of this unit is recognized.
10. Make the following folder under the “READER” drive of this unit.
11. Copy the “lut.bin” file made in step 5 to the “data” folder made in step 10.
12. Copy the file for the test mode from PC to directly under the “READER” drive of this unit.
Note 2: When the file for the test mode already exists directly under the “READER” drive of this unit, the file for the test mode need not be newly copied.
13. Remove this unit and USB cable (MICRO B) from PC.
14. Enter the test mode (Refer to “HOW TO ENTER THE TEST MODE” described by previous post here)
15. Touch the “Update Waveform” in the test mode menu, and confirm current (unrenewed) LUT version is displayed
16. Touch the “Yes”, it starts rewriting LUT version.
17. After about 10 seconds, screen changes into all white.
18. Press [RESET] key and reboot this unit.
19. Enter the test mode again, and confirm LUT version has been updated.
Reset Device Lock
When the Device Lock is effective, it can be released.
Note: When this mode is performed, it is necessary to reboot this unit and to validate the settings. Touch the “Reboot (Normal)” in the test mode menu.
1. Touch the “Reset Device Lock” in the test mode menu.
2. When the Device Lock is effective, the following screen is displayed. Touch the “Yes”, the Device Lock becomes invalid. It returns to the test mode menu when “No” is touched.
When the Device Lock is not effective, the following screen is displayed. Touch the “OK”, return to the test mode menu.
Power Off
This mode is not used in servicing.
Log Extract 1
This mode is not used in servicing.
Check Temperature
This mode is not used in servicing.
Write VCOM
In this mode, the VCOM voltage can be rewritten.
The VCOM voltage for INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT is individually different.
Therefore, when replacing the complete MAIN board or CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT) you need to rewrite the VCOM voltage.
1. The VCOM voltage confirm method is different according to replaced parts.
When the complete MAIN board is replaced:
Disassemble this unit until the VCOM voltage is seen, and confirm the VCOM voltage referring to the figure below. Record the confirmed the VCOM voltage by taking the memo etc..
When the CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT) is replaced:
Confirm the VCOM voltage described on the label of new CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT). Record the confirmed the VCOM voltage by taking the memo etc..
2. Replace complete MAIN board or CHASSIS ASSY (including INK INDICATOR 6inch ELEMENT) for new parts, and assemble this unit.
3. Make the text file on PC, and write the VCOM voltage confirmed in step 1.
Note 1: The VCOM voltage is described by the unit of mV that omits minus (Example: Write “2030” when it is printed on the label as “–2.03 V”).
4. Press the [1] key to turn the power on.
5. Confirm the HOME menu was completely displayed, and connect this unit to PC by the USB cable (MICRO B).
6. Confirm the USB connection screen displayed, and touch the “Data Transfer Mode”.
7. Confirm the “READER” drive of this unit is recognized.
8. Make the following folder under the “READER” drive of this unit.
9. Copy the text file made in step 3 to the “data” folder made in step 8. Then, change the file name to “Vcom.dt”.
10. Copy the file for the test mode from PC to directly under the “READER” drive of this unit.
Note 2: When the file for the test mode already exists directly under the “READER” drive of this unit, the file for the test mode need not be newly copied.
11. Remove this unit and USB cable (MICRO B) from PC.
12. Enter the test mode (Refer to “HOW TO ENTER THE TEST MODE”
13. Touch the “Write VCOM” in the test mode menu, and confirm current (unrenewed) VCOM voltage is displayed (Example: -1854 mV in the figure below).14. Touch the “Yes”, it starts rewriting the VCOM voltage.
15. Confirm the VCOM voltage has been updated.
This mode is not used in servicing.
This mode is not used in servicing.
IR-LED Level
This mode is not used in servicing.
Check 3G Module
This mode is not used in servicing.
Check User History
This mode is not used in servicing.
Switch ADB
This mode is not used in servicing.
Fake MoAkey
This mode is not used in servicing.
Reboot (Normal)
This mode is not used in servicing.
Reboot (Recovery)
This mode is not used in servicing.
Log Extact 2 (Flush)
This mode is not used in servicing.