In any sources, enter to the menu, move cursor to Contrast item, and then press 9,7,3,5 keys continuously on the remote control.
The factory menu will appear as shown below.Method-2
In the “Production” of the factory menu, if set “FacMode” and “FacHotkey” as “ON”.
There will be a “P” on the left corner of the panel.
In this status, you can enter the factory menu by pressing the “Return” key of the remote control.
Note: In the factory menu, you can return to the previous menu by the “Menu” key of remote control.
To exit the factory mode.
Press the “Exit” key on the remote control.
Press the “Menu” key of remote control to go back to the previous menu. If the hotkey of factory menu is “ON”, the status cannot be changed by turn off the TV. You need to change the hotkey of the factory to “OFF”
SHOP INT should be done at the last alignment if NVM is set “OK”, you do not need to do this.