32LH30 Interconnect
TV Models: JVC LT-32J300, JVC LT-32P300, JVC LT-32JM30, LG 32LG5700, LG 32LH30, LG 32LH3000
Part Number: 6871L-1438C
T-con Board P/N: 6870C-0230A (Similar to 6870C-0266A, LC320WUN)
DESC or Panel Sticker Number: LC320WUN-SAB1
Connections and voltages
37LH55 Interconnect
TV Models: LG 37LH55, LG 37LH5000
PANEL P/N: EAT60664401
Part Number: 6871L-1588A
T-con Board P/N: 6870C-0264B
DESC or Panel Sticker Number: LC370WUD-SBM1
T-CON PWB under shield. Put screws back in before operating set with shield removed.
CN1 Pin-1 is P800 Pin-51 (20 bit LVDS)
Connections and voltages.
42LB5800 Interconnect
TV Models: LG 42LB5600, LG 42LB5800, LG 42LY540S
PANEL P/N: EAJ62572101
Part Number: 6871L-3454D
T-con Board P/N: 6870C-0480A
DESC or Panel Sticker Number: V14 42 DRD 60Hz Control_Ver0.3
[All LVDS signals are taken with SMPTY Colour Bar signal input (1080P) Component Input. All LVDS signals are “Differential Pairs”. The ones shown are the “Positive” signal of the pair. The Negative signal looks exactly the same but flipped 180 degree. Scope settings are 100mV per/division, 2.5uSec per/division.]