- Enter Service Mode by pressing VOLUME DOWN key on the unit until the volume decrease to minimum level, and then press the DISPLAY key on the remote handset (don't release the volume key) and you can enter S- mode.
- After enter D-mode or S-mode, press OK, then press program [▲/▼] to select menu from menu 1 to menu 22, press OK to enter the menu, press program [▲/▼] to select item, press volume [▲/▼] to adjust the setting. Press D-mode again to quit factory mode.
- You can also enter menu 1 to menu 19 directly by pressing digital button 1~9, 0, notebook, CAP, Display, Sleep, Calendar, System/INS, Favourite, Return, Picture.
Menu 1 (Remote key: 1)RC => R cut-off setting
GC => G cut-off setting
BC => B cut-off setting
GD => G drive setting
BD => B drive setting
Menu 2 (Remote key: 2)
HIGH5 => Height (50Hz)
VP50 => Vertical position (50Hz)
VLIN5 => Vertical linearity (50Hz)
VSC5 => Vertical S correction (50Hz)
VBLK5 => Vertical blanking start & stop [1C, bit 3 ~ 0]
VCEN5 => Vertical center (50Hz)
Menu 2 (Remote key: 2)
HIGH6 60Hz height
VP60 => Vertical position
VLIN6 => 60Hz Vertical linearity
VSC6 => Vertical S correction (60Hz)
VBLK6 => Vertical blanking start & stop [1CH, bit 3 ~ 0]
VCEN6 => Vertical center (60Hz)
Menu 3 (Remote key: 3)
HPOS5 => Horizontal position (50Hz)
HPOS6 -> Horizontal position (60Hz)
Menu 4 (Remote key: 4)
CNTX => Maximum contrast
CNTN => Minimum contrast
BRTX => Maximum brightness
BRTN=> Minimum brightness
COLX => Maximum color
COLN => Minimum color
TNTX => Maximum tint level
TNTN => Minimum tint level
Menu 5(Remote key: 5)
BRTC => 50% brightness
COLC => 50% color
COLP => Color level for PAL
SCOL => UV gain [06H, bit 6 ~ 4]
SCNT => Sub-contrast [06H, bit 3 ~ 0]
CNTC => 50% contrast
TNTCT => 50% tint level (TV mode)
TNTCV => 50% tint level (AV mode)
Menu 6(Remote key: 6 )
ST3 => 50% Sharpness (TV mode, 3.58 system)
SV3 => 50% Sharpness (AV mode, 3.58 system)
SV4 => 50% Sharpness (AV mode, other system)
SVD => 50% Sharpness (DVD mode)
ASSH => Asymmetric sharpness [04H, bit 7 ~ 5]
SHPX => Maximum sharpness
SHPN => Minimum sharpness
Menu 7( Remote key: 7)
MOD1 => Bit 0,Bit 1 => under factory mode : 00,11, STD 01:IRC 10:HRC
Bit 2 => STD, IRC,HRC 1: user control 0: under factory mode
Bit 3 => 1: forbid CATV 95/96/97
Bit 4 \
Bit 5 =>1: have CCD
Bit 6 => 1:have V-CHIP
Bit 7 + 1:as Monitor no TV mode
MOD2=> Bit 0,Bit 1 => Speed of searching
Bit 2 => High sensitivity 1 yes 0:no
Bit 3 => Volume control 1:PWM
Bit 4 =>AV1: 1 yes 0:no
Bit 5 => AV2: 1 yes 0:no
Bit 6 => YUV: 1 yes 0:no
Bit 7
MOD3Bit 0 \
Bit 1 \
Bit 2 \