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  • Manually turn on the device (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.) you wish to program.
  • Press and hold the CODE SEARCH/SETUP button on the remote until the INDICATOR LIGHT lights, then release.
  • Press and release the button for the device you are programming (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.). For AUX, press AUX then the device button you are assigning to AUX. The INDICATOR LIGHT will blink then remain lit.
  • Enter the three or four digit code for your device using the number buttons in the GE Universal Remote. After your code is entered the INDICATOR LIGHT will turn off.
  • Aim the remote at the device (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.) and press the POWER button. Your device should turn off.

Note: If your device does not respond to the first code listed, repeat steps with the next code. If none of the codes listed for your device work for your device or your brand is not listed, try the Code Search method described below.


  • Turn on the device you wish to program.
  • Press and hold CODE SEARCH/SETUP until the INDICATOR LIGHT lights, then release.
  • Press and release the device button for the device you are programming (TV, VCR,DVD, etc.). The INDICATOR LIGHT will blink once then remain lit. For AUX, press AUX then the device button you are assigning to AUX.
  • Press and release POWER until your device turns off. Wait at least 2 seconds between each time you press POWER. Important: You may have to press POWER up to 250 times.
  • When your device turns off press the ENTER button (Should your remote model not have an ENTER button, then press the OK button.) The INDICATOR LIGHT will go off.
SLEEP FEATURE [RM94902, RM94904 & RM94905 Models]
  • Press and hold the SLEEP button until the INDICATOR LIGHT stays lit.
  • Enter time in minutes using the numerical keypad. (Minutes 1-99; press 0 before the actual number).
  • Leave remote aimed at television.The Sleep Function will not function properly unless the remote is left aimed at the television.
  • Press and hold SLEEP until the INDICATOR LIGHT blinks or press the POWER button to turn off the TV.



Abex Code: 0032
Admiral Codes: 0093
Adventura Code: 0046
Aiko Code: 0092
AIWA Codes: 195/ 196
AKAI Codes: 002/ 0030
Allegro: 0720/ 0774
ALLERON Codse: 046/ 0179
A-Mark Code: 0003
Ambassador Code: 0177
Ampro Code: 0179
AMSTRAD Code: 189
AMTRON Code: 053
ANAM NATIONAL Codes: 003/ 025/ 042/ 053/ 193
Anam National: 0055
Anam: 0751
apex code: o516
ARCHER Codes: 0003/ 020
AUDIOVOX Codes: 053/ 0180/ 0003/ 0092/ 0451
BANG & OLUFSEN Code: 190
Baysonic Code: 0180
BELCOR Codes: 004/ 0016/ 0019
BELL & HOWELL Codes: 000/ 001/ 049
BRADFORD Code: 053
BROKSONIC Codes: 136/ 147
BROKWOOD Code: 004
CANDLE Codes: 004/ 008/ 009/ 174
CAPEHART Code: 175
CETRONIC Code: 042
CITIZEN Codes: 001/ 004/ 008/ 009/ 042/ 053/ 058/ 105/ 109/ 177
CLASSIC Code: 042
COLORTYME Codes: 004/ 009/ 010
CONCERTO Codes: 004/ 009
CONTEC/CONY Codes: 012/ 013/ 014/ 042/ 053
CRAIG Codes: 042/ 053
CROWN Codes: 042/ 053
CURTIS MATHES Codes: 000/ 001/ 004/ 009/ 015/ 031/ 049/ 105/ 109
CXC Codes: 042/ 053
DAEWOO Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 017/ 018/ 019/ 042/ 058/ 082/ 083/ 085/ 097/ 100/ 126/ 127/ 130/ 138
DAYTRON Codes: 004/ 009
DIMENSIA Codes: 000/ 031
DUMONT Codes: 004/ 121
DYNASTY Code: 042
ELECTROBAND Codes: 002/ 014
ELECTROHOME Codes: 003/ 004/ 009/ 022/ 133
ELEKTRA Code: 001
EMERSON Codes: 004/ 009/ 014/ 023/ 024/ 025/ 026/ 027/ 030/ 032/ 033/ 034/ 035/ 036/ 037/ 038/ 039/ 040/ 041/ 042/ 043/ 045/ 046/ 049/ 053/ 116/ 135/ 147/ 177/ 179
ENVISION Codes: 004/ 009
FISHER Codes: 013/ 049/ 050/ 180/ 209
FUJITSU Codes: 046/ 197
FUNAI Codes: 042/ 053/ 046
FUTURETEC Codes: 042/ 053
GE Codes: 000/ 003/ 004/ 009/ 022/ 031/ 044/ 052/ 054/ 055/ 087/ 092/ 103/ 107/ 125/ 164/ 181
GIBRALTER Codes: 004/ 121
GOLDSTAR Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 056/ 057/ 133/ 155/ 156/ 172
GRUNDY Codes: 046/ 053
HALLMARK Codes: 004/ 009
HARVARD Code: 053
HITACHI Codes: 001/ 004/ 009/ 013/ 059/ 061/ 079/ 088/ 091/ 137/ 139/ 140/ 141/ 142/ 143/ 144/ 145/ 146/ 179/ 210
IMA Code: 053
INFINITY Code: 062
INTEQ Code: 121
JANEIL Code: 174
JBL Code: 062
JC PENNY Codes: 000/ 004/ 005/ 008/ 009/ 022/ 031/ 052/ 054/ 055/ 063/ 087/ 105/ 107/ 109/ 172/ 181
JCB Code: 002
JENSEN Codes: 004/ 009
JVC Codes: 013/ 054/ 055/ 060/ 065/ 067/ 089
KAWASHO Codes: 002/ 004/ 009
KAYPANI Code: 175
KEC Code: 042
KENWOOD Codes: 004/ 009/ 133
KLOSS NOVABEAM Codes: 068/ 069/ 174
KONKA Codes: 016/ 047/ 066/ 157/ 158/ 176
KTV Codes: 014/ 021/ 042/ 053/ 070/ 116/ 177
LODGENET Codes: 000/ 001
LOGIK Codes: 000/ 001
LUXMAN Codes: 004/ 009
LXI Codes: 000/ 004/ 009/ 031/ 049/ 062/ 107/ 109/ 181
MAGNAVOX Codes: 004/ 008/ 009/ 062/ 068/ 069/ 074/ 075/ 076/ 077/ 089/ 133/ 163/ 165
MAJESTIC Codes: 000/ 001
MARANTZ Codes: 004/ 009/ 062
MEGATRON Codes: 004/ 009/ 059
MEI Code: 014
MEMOREX Codes: 000/ 001/ 004/ 009/ 046/ 049/ 051/ 135
MGA Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 022/ 046/ 133/ 180
MIDLAND Codes: 054/ 055/ 107/ 121/ 172/ 181
MINUTZ Code: 052
MITSUBISHI Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 022/ 046/ 081/ 089/ 132/ 133/ 180
MONTGOMERY WARD Codes: 000/ 001
MOTOROLA Codes: 003/ 173
MTC Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 014/ 105/ 109
NAD Codes: 004/ 009/ 109/ 185
NEC Codes: 003 004 005 009 010 085 089 095
NIKEI Code: 042
NIKKO Codes: 004/ 009/ 058
NTC Code: 058
ONKING Code: 042
ONWA Codes: 042/ 053
OPTIMUS Codes: 170/ 185
OPTONICA Codes: 095/ 173
ORION Codes: 035/ 121/ 135
PANASONIC Codes: 003/ 054/ 055/ 062/ 070/ 148/ 149/ 170/ 171
PHILCO Codes: 003/ 004/ 005/ 008/ 009/ 062/ 068/ 069/ 074/ 075/ 077/ 133
PHILIPS Codes: 003/ 004/ 006/ 008/ 062/ 068/ 069/ 074/ 075/ 076/ 086/ 087/ 089/ 133/ 163/ 183/ 184/ 205/ 206/ 207/ 208/ 212/ 213
PHILIPS/MAGNAVOX Codes: 183/ 184/ 208/ 213
PILOT Code: 004
PIONEER Codes: 004/ 009/ 090/ 179/ 185
PORTLAND Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 058
PRICE CLUB Code: 105
PRISM Code: 055
PROSCAN Codes: 000/ 031/ 107/ 181
PROTON Codes: 004/ 009/ 093/ 175/ 186/ 192
PULSAR Code: 121
PULSER Code: 004
QUASAR Codes: 003/ 054/ 055/ 062/ 070/ 148/ 149/ 170/ 171
RADIO SHACK Codes: 000/ 004/ 009/ 031/ 041/ 042/ 048/ 049/ 053/ 095/ 133/ 155/ 170/ 172/ 194
RCA Codes: 000/ 003/ 004/ 005/ 007/ 009/ 011/ 048/ 078/ 082/ 083/ 094/ 096/ 098/ 099/ 101/ 102/ 103/ 107/ 113/ 129/ 133/ 167/ 179/ 181/ 187/ 188/ 194
REALISTIC Codes: 000/ 004/ 009/ 031/ 041/ 042/ 048/ 049/ 053/ 095/ 133/ 155/ 170/ 172
RHAPSODY Code: 014
RUNCO Code: 121
SAMPO Codes: 004/ 009/ 172/ 175
SAMSUNG Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 015/ 104/ 105/ 106/ 109/ 133/ 172
SAMSUX Code: 009
SANSUI Codes: 135/ 136
SANYO Codes: 004/ 013/ 049/ 108/ 110/ 180/ 209
SCOTCH Codes: 004/ 009
SCOTT Codes: 004/ 009/ 024/ 035/ 042/ 046/ 053
SEARS Codes: 000/ 004/ 009/ 013/ 031/ 046/ 049/ 105/ 107/ 109/ 110/ 133/ 180/ 181/ 189
SHARP Codes: 004/ 009/ 079/ 095/ 111/ 112/ 114/ 122/ 123/ 124/ 173
SHOGUN Code: 004
SIGNATURE Codes: 000/ 001/ 023
SIMPSON Code: 008
SONIC Code: 014
SONY Codes: 002/ 006/ 071/ 128
SOUNDESIGN Codes: 004/ 008/ 009/ 042/ 053/ 046
SSS Codes: 004/ 042/ 053
STARLITE Code: 053
SUPREME Code: 002
SYLVANIA Codes: 004/ 008/ 009/ 062/ 068/ 069/ 074/ 075/ 076/ 077/ 133/ 161/ 163
SYMPHONIC Codes: 033/ 053/ 189
TANDY Code: 173
TATUNG Code: 003
TECHNICS Codes: 054/ 055
TECHWOOD Codes: 004/ 009/ 054/ 055
TEKNIKA Codes: 000/ 001/ 004/ 005/ 008/ 009/ 013/ 042/ 046/ 053/ 058/ 076/ 105/ 109/ 170/ 174
TELERENT Codes: 000/ 001
TERA Codes: 004/ 186
Thomson codes: 065/ 0771/ 137 /224/ 226/ 233/ 315/ 327/ 361/ 363/ 371/ 377/ 427/ 49 / 518/ 588/ 596/ 653
TOSHIBA Codes: 013/ 049/ 089/ 105/ 109/ 117/ 118/ 120/ 159/ 178
UNIVERSAL Codes: 052/ 087
VICTOR Code: 079
VIDTECH Codes: 004/ 005/ 009
VIKING Code: 174
WARDS Codes: 000/ 001/ 004/ 005/ 009/ 024/ 031/ 033/ 046/ 052/ 062/ 068/ 069/ 074/ 075/ 076/ 087/ 095/ 119/ 133
YAMAHA Codes: 004/ 005/ 009/ 133
ZENITH Codes: 000/ 001/ 004/ 023/ 038/ 058/ 059/ 064/ 121/ 135/ 136/ 153/ 0016/ 0017/ 0092
For more about remote controls

Samsung UE series 3D vision LCD TVs, AllShare and Network problems, Network settings

What is 3D Display?
• A system that display 3D images artifcially
• How ? Using binocular time delay
1. Left eye recognizes left image, right eye recognizes right image.
2. Human eyes be far away each other 65mm horizontally. 
So each eye feels a little bit of time delay of left and right information.  Human brain merges those images and can feel three-dimensional.

AllShare™ setup and checklists
Deleted mobile phone list showing up again.
[Menu > Application > Content View > AllShare™ > Message]
Where need to block the added mobile phone or device again. Because deleted device would be added again if that device turns on or attempt to approach.
Want to turn off the function of receiving message from the mobile phone
One of the setup lists of AllShare™, you need to turn 'Message' list to 'Off'.
Want to turn off the function of receiving Media from mobile phone or home network devices on TV
One of the setup lists of AllShare™, you need to turn 'Media' list to 'Off' 
Want to add deleted mobile phone or home network devices again
Power on the deleted mobile phone or home network devices.
Set up the network and activate the home network function, check the connection at AllShare™.
Several same names of TV show up on mobile phone.
At AllShare™ set up menu, change the name of the TV.
Messages/schedules/notifications from unknown mobile phone show up on TV
[Menu > Application > Content View > AllShare™ > Message Where You can block the unknown mobile phone.
SMS message notification shows up in small window.
• Besides watching TV, If some other function is activating, SMS message will show up in small icon.
• You need to fnish the function and exit to Watching TV mode in order to display SMS message in large window.
Received SMS message is not showing up on TV.
• Check if TV’s network setup is all right according to setup guide.
• Check if mobile phone’s network (Wi-Fi) is activated.
• Among the AllShare™ setup lists , check if the Message is ‘on’.
• Check if the mobile phone number is showing up on AllShare™ message list.
• Check if the TV’s showing up on mobile phone’s setup lists
Contents that play on mobile phone doesn’t play on TV.
• Contents formats play on TV is exactly same as Media Play format.
That means some contents may not play according to its resolution and format
Suddenly TV display is changed, unwanted movie/picture/music is playing
• Before the device play, Block the device at AllShare™ media list.
Or press ‘return’ or ‘exit’ button of remote controller so that the device may not play
The name of the TV is not appearing while try to play media on mobile phone.
• Check the network of TV.
• Activate the network (Wi-Fi) of mobile phone and connect to home network .
• Check if the setup list of media on AllShare™ is ‘on’.
• Check if mobile phone is blocked on media list . If blocked, change it to permission
Movie is not playing or disconnected.
• High resolution of Movie may not play when Wi-Fi network is not in good condition.
Troubleshooting about new functions
See no device connected to AllShare.
• To use a device connected to AllShare, the device must be connected to PC
Share Manager which is the DLNA server for MediaPlay and to a cell phone that has the Connected Home or Screen Share function which are found on Samsung Smartphones.
• Check that the PC Share Manager is enabled, the Samsung TV is set to allow connections and the ScreenShare function on the connected cell phone is enabled.
• To use the cell phone’s Connected Home function, check that the shared folder is set and the Share mode is ‘On.’
Tried to play a video from my cell phone using the Connected Home function on the Samsung TV but the video would not display on the TV.
• When a video is transmitted from Connected Home to a TV for the first time, the settings screen that allows transfer to a TV is displayed.
• Check that the transfer was not set to be rejected on this settings screen. If you have set the cell phone to ‘Blocked’ in the ‘Media’ options of the AllShare settings, please change the setting to ‘Unblocked’ and retry
A video that can be played on my cell phone cannot be played on my TV.
• Please check the resolution and display format provided by MediaPlay of the TV.
cannot resume playback of a video using Connected Home.
• The resuming function is not supported for a video played on a cell phone.
When playing a video through Connected Home, I get intermittent picture loss.
• An 801.11b/g bandwidth network is used between a cell phone and a sharing device. There may be frequent buffering for HD quality videos, this also depends on the condition of the wireless connection.
• Please optimize your wireless Internet environment settings (avoid using wireless Internet or bluetooth altogether if possible) or lower the picture quality of the video.
AllShare (Notifcation)
Can all devices with the DLNA function be recognized through Notification?
• Only Samsung software and devices with the DLNA server function can be recognized through Notification
Can use all the services related to DLNA? 
Presently, you can only use the services related to ScreenShare and MediaPlay.
Samsung will launch a new DLNA service in the future.
The notification screen that appears after a device connects disappears within a few seconds. How can access this connected device again?
• The DLNA Notification is only displayed when a device is frst connected to a TV.
To access the device again, please use the AllShare menu.
Cannot fnd the RUIS on my cell phone.
1. Check that the cell phone is connected to the wireless sharing device correctly.
2. Check that the DTV is connected either using a network cable or wirelessly to the wireless sharing device correctly.
3. Confrm the IP address and subnet mask to ensure that the cell phone and DTV are connected to the same network.
4. Check that the RUIS on the cell phone is enabled.
5. If the RUIS on the cell phone is enabled, please disable it and then enable it again.
AllShare (ScreenShare Server)
Cannot find the remote control service provided by the ScreenShare Server from the ScreenShare Client
1. Check that the ScreenShare Client device is correctly connected to the network of the sharing device that the DTV is connected to.
2. Run network test in the network setup menu and confrm that MAC Address, IP Address, Subnet, Gateway, DNS Server and Gateway Ping each shows a success message.
3. In the network setup menu, check that the ScreenShare Client and ScreenShare Server are on the same subnet.
- You can confrm they are on the same subnet by checking the IP address, subnet mask and gateway address of the TV and ScreenShare Client as follows:
- If the IP address of the DTV is and the subnet mask is, the frst six digits of the ScreenShare Client’s IP address must be the same (10.88.83) as that of the DTV, and the subnet mask and gateway address must be the same as the DTV.
- If the IP address of the DTV is and the subnet mask is, the frst four digits of the ScreenShare Client’s IP address must be the same (10.88) as that of the DTV, and the subnet mask and gateway address must be the same as the DTV.
4. Move from the Allshare screen to the Setup screen, and open the Setup menu to check if the ScreenShare Client is connected to the same ScreenShare Server as the TV name shown in the Setup options.
5. Move from the Allshare screen to the Setup screen, and open ScreenShare to check that the device, ScreenShare Client, is found on the list at the right side and is set to "Allowed."
The DTV did not update after pressing buttons on the remote control that uses the remote control service on the ScreenShare Client.
• Check that the TV is turned on.
You cannot turn on the TV using the remote control service (on the ScreenShare) when the TV is turned off.
Media Play
 Functions that are not supported when connecting to a PC through a network:
- Sorting files by preference in the Photos, Music, and Videos folders.
- The  (REW) or  (FF) button while a movie is playing.
- Divx DRM, Multi-audio, embedded captions are not supported.
When you use Media Play mode through a network connection, depending on the functions of the provided server
- The sorting method may vary.
- The scene search function may not be supported.
- The Play Continuously function, which resumes playing of a video, may not be supported.
- The Play Continuously function does not support multiple users. (It will have only memorized the point where the most recent user stopped playing.)
- The ◄ or ► buttons may not work depending on the content information.
– If you experience any file stuttering issue while playing a video over a wireless network, we recommend using a wired network."
• If there are problems with the contents of a codec, the codec will not be supported.
• If the information for a Container is incorrect and the fle is in error, the Container will not be able to play correctly.
• Sound or video may not work if the contents have a standard bit rate/frame rate above the compatible Frame/sec.
Network Settings (OFC, One Foot Connection)
The One Foot Connection function lets you connect your Samsung TV automatically to Samsung wireless APs.
If your non-Samsung AP does not support One Foot Connection, you must connect using one of the other methods.
How to set up using One Foot Connection
1. Go to Network Settings screen.
To enter it, follow the directions of Network Settings.
2. Select the One Foot Connection.
3. Place the AP in parallel with the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter giving a gap no larger than 25 cm.
4. Wait until the connection is automatically established.
5. The network test screen appears, and network setting is done.
6. Place the AP in a desired location.
Network Settings (Plug & Access)
Plug & Access function lets you connect your Samsung wireless Router to Samsung TV easily by using USB memory. If
your non-Samsung AP does not support Plug & Access, you must connect using one of the other methods.
* You can check for equipment that supports Plug & Access on www.samsung.com.
How to set up using Plug & Access Function
1. Turn on the power of AP and TV.  Insert USB memory stick into our Samsung wireless APs and checking AP’s LED status (blinking on).
2. Then take USB memory out and insert your USB memory into Samsung TV.
3. Wait until the connection is automatically established.
4. If Plug & Access does not connect your TV to your AP, a pop-up window appears on the screen notifying you of the failure. If you want to try using Plug&Access again, reset the AP, disconnect the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter and then try again from Step 1.  You can also choose one of the other connection setup methods.
5. The network test screen appears, and network setting is done.
6. Place the AP in a desired location.
7. If the AP settings change or you install a new AP, you must perform the Plug & Access procedure again, beginning from Step 1.
How to setup the network? 
• Click the [Menu] button and open [Setup] to select [Network]. Configure wired or wireless network settings.
How do to check the network status? 
• Select [Menu] > [Setup] > [Network] and run [Network Test] to see test results and check the network status.
In a network test over a wired connection, the second items which include the IP address, subnet, gateway and DNS server fail.
• If the IP address, subnet mask and gateway address were typed in manually, check that valid values were entered.
(For example, is not valid for an IP address, subnet mask or gateway address.)
If the IP address the user entered in is invalid, change it to a valid IP address.
In a network test over a wired connection, the third item, gateway ping fails.
1. Check that the network cable is connected to the TV correctly.
2. If the TV is connected correctly, check whether the IP address is automatic or manual.
3. If the IP is automatic and connected to a sharing device, check the settings of the sharing device (AP) that is using a cable connection, or consult the corresponding Internet service provider.
4. If the IP is manual, check if the IP address is entered correctly.
(Here, the user should confirm if the manual IP address entered in is valid.)
Cannot connect to a wireless network.
1. If an encryption key must be entered in to connect to a sharing device, please check that the correct password set for the sharing device is entered.
2. Search surrounding sharing devices to see if there is a sharing device with the same SSID by selecting [Wireless Network Setup] and [Select Network].  If there is a sharing device with the same SSID, try to connect to this device.
3. If the IP address is set to automatic and you cannot connect to the sharing device using option 1 or 2, check the settings of the sharing device to see if the DHCP server function on the sharing device is enabled. If disabled, activate the function. (For details on how to set up the sharing device, see the manual for the corresponding sharing device.)
4. If you still cannot connect to the sharing device after confirming options 1, 2 and 3, reset the sharing device and try again.
When using a wireless network, the user’s wireless sharing device cannot connect to the PBC (WPS).
1. Check if the sharing device of the user supports WPS.
2. Check if the user pressed the PBC button on the sharing device.
3. If there is another sharing device with WPS running nearby, a connection cannot be made. Please retry after 2 minutes.
4. Reset the sharing device and retry.
5. If the sharing device of the user is not Wi-Fi certified, it may not be able to connect using WPS
The auto-configuring sharing device cannot be connected to automatically through a wireless dongle.
(Here, the user’s sharing device must support auto-configuration.)
1. Check if the sharing device of the user supports auto configuration.
(For a list of sharing devices, refer to the IB or website.)
2. If the sharing device of the user supports auto configuration, place the sharing device as close as possible to the wireless dongle on the TV and try to re-establish the connection. (Must be placed close to the TV to establish a connection.)
Although the TV is placed close to the AP and the dongle is inserted into the TV, the sharing device cannot be connected to using auto-configuration.
• Select [Menu] > [Setup] > [Network] and check if SWL is Off
Although the TV is placed close to the AP and the dongle is inserted into the TV, the sharing device cannot be connected to using auto-configuration and a message that it is connecting is displayed only.
• Check if the AP is not turned off during connection.
If the AP is turned off, the TV will try to re-establish a connection for 2 minutes.
Although the TV is placed close to the AP and the dongle is inserted into the TV, the sharing device cannot be connected to using auto-configuration and a message that it is connecting is displayed only.
• If Samsung Wireless Link is On, a 5G-bandwidth wireless sharing device may not be found in a search (restriction).
• If Samsung Wireless Link is Off or the product does not have the Samsung
Wireless Link function, please retry searching to fnd the sharing device. (May not be found in a search depending on the settings of the wireless connection.)
In a network test over a wireless connection, the second items which include the IP address, subnet, gateway and DNS server fail.
• If the IP address, subnet mask and gateway were typed in manually, check that valid values were entered. (For example, is not valid for an IP address, subnet mask or gateway address.)
• If the IP address the user entered in is invalid, change it to a valid IP address.
In a network test over a wireless connection, the third item, gateway ping fails.
1. If the IP address is automatic and connected to a sharing device, check the settings of the sharing device (AP) that is using a cable connection, or consult the corresponding Internet service provider.
2. If the IP address is manual, check that the IP address is entered in correctly.
(Here, the user should confirm if the manual IP entered in is valid.)
In a network test over a wireless connection, the fourth item, Internet service test fails.
• Please consult the corresponding Internet service provider (an Internet network service provider the user has subscribed to such as KT).

Sony HCD EX66 – SMPS and main amplifier circuit diagram

Used ICs - STR-Y6766, MM1431CURE (Opto-Coupler), SI-3010KM-TLS, SI-3010KFEK, SI-8008TM-TLS, PST3629NR, NJM4558V-TE2
Mexican model: AC 127 V, 60 Hz
Argentine model: AC 220 V ‒ 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Other models: AC 120 V ‒ 240 V, 50/60 Hz
HCD-EX99: 85 W:  (0.5 W at the Power Saving Mode)
HCD-EX88: 70 W:  (0.5 W at the Power Saving Mode)
HCD-EX66: 45 W:  (0.5 W at the Power Saving Mode)
Mechanism type: CDM76B-D1BD76
Optical pickup block names: DS11MMVGP
The disc tray lock function for the antitheft of an demonstration disc in the store is equipped.
1. Press [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press the [FUNCTION] button to select CD function.
3. While pressing the [Stop] button for more 5 seconds.
4. The message “CHILD LOCK OFF” is displayed and the disc tray is unlocked.
Note: When “CHILD LOCK ON” is displayed, the slot lock is not released by turning power on/off with the [Power] button.
When installing a new OP unit, be sure to connect the flexible
printed circuit board first of all before removing the static electricity prevention solder bridge by unsoldering.
Remove the static electricity prevention solder bridge by unsoldering after the flexible printed circuit board has already been connected.
(Do not remove nor unsolder the solder bridge as long as the OP unit is kept standalone.)
The cold reset clears all data including preset data stored in the memory to initial conditions. Execute this mode when returning the set to the customer.
1. In the standby status, press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press three buttons of [Stop], [FUNCTION] and [Power] simultaneously.
3. When “RESET” appears, the set enters standby status.
Enter The Panel Test Mode
1. In the standby status, press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press three buttons of [Stop], [OPTIONS] and [power] simultaneously.
3. When the panel test mode is activated, all LEDs and segments of the liquid crystal display panel are all turned on.
Version Check
1. In the panel test mode (all LEDs and segments of the liquid crystal display panel are turned on), press the [FUNCTION] button.
2. On the liquid crystal display panel, date and version are displayed “xxxxVxxx”.
3. From this status, press the [>||] button, and the destination and model name are displayed.
4. To release from this mode, press three buttons of [ Stop], [OPTIONS] and [Power] simultaneously.
Key Test Mode
1. In the panel test mode (all LEDs and segments of the liquid crystal display panel are turned on), press the [stop] button.
2. The message “KEY0 0 0” displayed. Whenever any buttons are pressed and the [VOLUME] control is turned, the value is changed.
3. To release from this mode, press three buttons of [Stop], [OPTIONS] and [Power] simultaneously.
The AM tuning interval can be changed over 9 kHz or 10 kHz.
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press the [FUNCTION] button to select TUNER AM function.
3. Press the [Power] button again to turn the power off (clock mode).
4. After pressing the [DISPLAY] button on the remote commander, while pressing the [TUNING + >>  >>||] button, press the [Power] button.
5. It turns power on and display “9k STEP” or “10k STEP”, and thus the tuning interval is changed over.
This mode can run the CD sled motor optionally. Use this mode, for instance, when cleaning the optical pick-up.
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Confirm there is no disc in tray.
3. Press the [FUNCTION] button to select CD function.
4. Press two buttons of [Stop] and [Power] simultaneously.
5. Set to the CD ship mode (chucking on).
6. After blink “STANDBY”, “CHILD LOCK ON” is displayed, disconnect the AC plug.
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Confirm there is no disc in tray.
3. Press the [FUNCTION] button to select CD function.
4. Press three buttons of [ENTER], [TUNING– ||<<  <<] and [Power] simultaneously.
5. After blink “STANDBY”, “RESET” is displayed, disconnect the AC plug.
SMPS  circuit diagram
The laser beam on this model is concentrated so as to be focused on the disc reflective surface by the objective lens in the optical pickup block. Therefore, when checking the laser diode emission, observe from more than 30 cm away from the objective lens.
This mode is for switch the CD power supply on/off. Even if this state pulls out AC plug, it is held.
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press the [FUNCTION] button to select CD function.
3. Press the [Power] button again to turn the power off (clock mode).
4. After pressing the [DISPLAY] button on the remote commander, while pressing the [Stop] button, press the [Power] button.
5. It turns power on and display “CD/USB”, then display “PWR ON” or “PWR OFF”.

HCD-EX66 is the amplifier, USB, CD player and tuner section in MHC-EX66.
HCD-EX88 is the amplifier, USB, CD player and tuner section in MHC-EX88.
HCD-EX99 is the amplifier, USB, CD player and tuner section in MHC-EX99

How to enter Service Mode, SMPS and deflection schematic - Grundig CUC 2103 - Davio, Lissabon and Xentia models CRT TVs

Service Menu (Service Mode)
Call up the Service Menu with button "i" via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SERVICE"> Service Code .
Having entered the code number "8500" the dealer can change the following settings under menu guide:
* OSD horizontal
* OSD vertical
* Hotel
* NTSC 3,6 (Optional)
After any repair or replacement of NVM (IC82501) check whether the NTSC 3.58MHz quartz is fitted. If it is not, the dialog line "NTSC 3.6" in the Service Menu must be set to "off".
Button "i"> "OK"> SERVICE > "OK"> SERVICE Code "8500"> NTSC 3.6 "off" and in dialog line "End" store the setting "with mem.".
Keep the "Sub. Contrast" setting unchanged (factory setting)
Activating and deactivating the Hotel Mode
Call up the dialog line "Hotel" with button "i" via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SERVICE"> Service Code "8500".
With activated "Hotel Mode"
* it is no longer possible to call up the "DIALOG CENTER" menu with button "i".
* the last volume setting is stored as the maximum level possible.
Depress and hold button "i" on the remote control handset while switching the TV set on with the mains switch. 
Under the "SERVICE" menu switch the Hotel Mode off.
Deactivating the Protection Circuit
* Horizontal and vertical protection circuit:
connect the basis and emitter at CT50055.
* Horizontal protection circuit:
connect the basis and emitter at CT57113.
* Vertical protection circuit: to short out C50052.
Attention: When the repair is completed, it is absolutely necessary to activate the overload protection circuits.
Cancelling the Parental Lock Continuously
To cancel the parental lock enter the number 7038
Click on the schematics to zoom in
CRT Base card schematic
Audio output schematic
Deflection stage schematic
Processor stage schematic
SMPS schematic
Special Functions in the Dialog Center
Switching on with the last viewed program.
The channel position which has been selected when switching off is recovered when switching on again (last station memory).
Picture/Sound Options On or Off for all Programs.
Reach the "Pict./sound opt." menu via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SPECIAL FUNCTIONS" by pressing button "i". When selecting "off" the scales indicating the analog values do not appear.
Automatic Volume Control (option)
Reach the "Volume Limiter" dialog via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SPECIAL FUNCTIONS" by pressing button "i". The volume of stations with large deviation is adjusted to normal deviation when selecting "on".
Decoder Settings for Individual Program Positions
By pressing button "i" call up the "Decoder Pxx" dialog via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SPECIAL FUNCTIONS". With the < / > buttons it is possible to set an analog or digital decoder to be switched over internally or externally on a per-program basis for scrambled stations.
Forced Chroma Switching
Call up the dialog line "Color" via "DIALOG CENTER"> "SERVICE" with button "i". With the buttons < / > it is possible to force the automatic chroma standard switching function into "PAL","SECAM" or "NTSC" on a per-program basis under poor reception conditions.

Sharp LC-32LE140E LCD TV – 17MB62 chassis – Troubleshooting - Service mode - Software update

LC-32LE140E, LC-32LE140EV, LC-32LE140EK, LC-32LE140RU

A horizontal mounted and Digital Half-Nim tuner is used in the product, which covers 3 Bands(From 48MHz to 862MHz for COFDM, from 45.25MHz to 863.25MHz for CCIR CH).
The tuning is available through the digitally controlled I2C bus (PLL). Below you will find info about the tuner.
In active antenna option, the following circuit are used. ANT_CTRL pin is controlled by microcontroller. If ANT_CTRL is low, ANT_PWR will be low. If ANT_CTRL is high, ANT_PWR will be high.  OVER_CUR_DETECT pin is a monitor for short circuit in antenna. OVER_CUR_DETECT is low, ANT_CTRL will be low, so ANT_PWR will be low. Finally, short circuit protection is done by circuits and micro-controller.
General description of Sony RE216
The SUT-RE216 is designed for terrestrial TV (digital & analog) and digital cable reception. It includes a full band tuner and a channel filtering for digital signals. It provides a low IF output after channel filtering to drive a channel demodulator. Tuning, band switching and initialization are made via an I2C bus interface. The module is built on a low-loss printed circuit board carrying all the components in a metal housing frame with top and rear covers. The single aerial connector is mounted on one frame side and all  other connections are made via pins at the bottom.
In order to reach service menu, frst press “ MENU ”, then press the remote control code 2 times, which is 4725.
In MB62 project there is only one software. From following steps software update procedure can be seen
1. MB62 en. bin, mboot.bin and usb_auto_update_mb62.txt documents should copy directly inside of flash memory ( not in a folder)
2. Put flash memory to the TV when TV is powered off.
3. Power on the TV by main switch and press OK in remote control continuously during 3 -4 seconds. Then led will start blinking (red / green) quickly.
4. If First Time installation screen comes; it means software update procedure is successful.
17MB62 uses two 2,5W Class D Mono Audio Amplifers for from 16” to 24” TVs.
AZAD2102B is a 2.9 Watts (max. can offer 3.0 Watts @ Load = 3Ω,THD=10%,AVdd=DVdd=5.5Volt)with high efficiency filter-free class-D audio power amplifier in a 1613 mm x 1613 mm wafer chip scale package (WCSP). AZAD2102B uses Current switch technology to achieve high performance class-d amplifier that features 0.03% THD, 85% efficiency, –70 dB PSRR, to improve RF-rectification immunity.
AZAD2102B provide a Vibration-Spectrum modulation clock for PWM Output. This vibration frequency is around 10KHZ shift (+/- 5KHZ of Fpwm).
The advantage of the small size package (WCSP) makes AZAD2102B very suitable for mobile phone and PDA device application. And the Class-D amplifier structure let AZAD2102B to have highly efficiency power consumption than Class-AB amplifier.  AZAD2102B can shrink the application board, reduce system cost, and external components.
ESD level protection I/O embedded in AZAD2102B. For general applications, doesn’t need to add extra ESD protection device (like Varistors) in application system for AZAD2102B’s I/O.
 CMOS Technology
 High Efficiency 85%
 High PSRR 70dB at 217Hz
 Differential OP-amp Input
 AZAD2102B provides Vibration-Spectrum Modulation clock for reduce EMI
 Provide Mute function(set Mute_B to GND will go into Mute status)
 For the input stage AZAD2102B built-in a 10Kohm resistors (Gain setting=29.5dB)
 Maximum Battery Life and Minimum Heat
 Efficiency With an 8-Ω Speaker
 3.5 mA Quiescent Current
Output Power at 10% THD
 2.85Watts at AVdd=DVdd=5.0Volt, Rload=4Ω
 1.45Watts at AVdd=DVdd=3.6Volt, Rload=4Ω
 0.30Watts at AVdd=DVdd=3.0Volt, Rload=4Ω
 1.75Watts at AVdd=DVdd=5.5Volt, Rload=8Ω
 0.87Watts at AVdd=DVdd=3.6Volt, Rload=8Ω
 0.41Watts at AVdd=DVdd=3.0Volt, Rload=8Ω
 Eliminate Power on and Power-off “Pop” noise
 A Fewer External Components
 Optimized PWM Output Stage Eliminates LC Output Filter
 Internally generate 290 kHz Switching Frequency to eliminate Capacitor and Resistor
 Improve PSRR (–70 dB) and Wide Supply Voltage (3.0 V to 5.5 V)
 Fully Differential Design Reduces RF Rectification
 This chip has been built-in a very strong ESD protection.
 System level ESD 4KV (IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Contact Level)
 Wafer Chip Scale Package (WCSP)
 TSSOP Package with Exposed Pad
Audio amplifier stage with TPA3113(U168)
17MB62 uses a 6W Class D Mono Audio Amplifers for from 26” to 32” TVs. The TPA3113D2 is a 6-W (per channel) efficient, Class-D audio power amplifier for driving bridged-tied stereo speakers. Advanced EMI Suppression Technology enables the use of inexpensive ferrite bead filters at the outputs while meeting EMC requirements.  SpeakerGuard™ speaker protection circuitry includes an adjustable power limiter and a DC detection circuit. The adjustable power limiter allows the user to set a "virtual" voltage rail lower than the chip supply to limit the amount of current through the speaker. The DC detect circuit measures the frequency and amplitude of the PWM signal and shuts off the output stage if the input capacitors are damaged or shorts exist on the inputs.  The TPA3113D2 can drive stereo speakers as low as 4 Ω. The high efficiency of the TPA3113D2, 87%, eliminates the need for an external heat sink when playing music.  The outputs are also fully protected against shorts to GND, VCC, and output-to-output.
The short-circuit protection and thermal protection includes an auto-recovery feature.
 6-W/ch into an 8-Ω Loads at 10% THD+N From a 10-V Supply
 12-W into a 4-Ω Mono Load at 10% THD+N From a 10-V Supply
 87% Efficient Class-D Operation Eliminates Need for Heat Sinks
 Wide Supply Voltage Range Allows Operation from 8 V to 26 V
 Filter-Free Operation
 SpeakerGuard™ Speaker Protection Includes Adjustable Power Limiter plus DC Protection
 Flow Through Pin Out Facilitates Easy Board Layout
 Robust Pin-to-Pin Short Circuit Protection and Thermal Protection with Auto Recovery Option
 Excellent THD+N / Pop-Free Performance
 Four Selectable, Fixed Gain Settings
 Differential inputs
The DC voltages required at various parts of the chassis and panel are provided by a main power supply unit. MB62 chassis can operate with IPS60, IPS16, IPS17, PW26, PW27 as main power supply and also with 12V adaptor.  CN706 is used for IPS60, IPS16 and IPS17 and CN1 is used for PW26 and PW27 JK9 is used for the adapter option and also CN75 inverter socket or DB32 chassis with CN709 is used to supply backlight.
The power supplies generate 18,12,5,3.3 and 12,5 volsts standy mode DC voltages.  Power stage which in ON Chassis generates 5,3.3 standby voltes and 12,8,5,3.3,2.5,1.8 and 1.2 volts supplies for other different parts of the chassis.
No Backlight Problem
If TV is working, led is normal and there is no picture and backlight on the panel.  Possible causes: Backlight pin, dimming pin, backlight supply, stby on/off pin Backlight pin should be high in open position. If it is low, please check Q181 and panel cables.
Dimming pin should be high or square wave in open position. If it is low, please check S16 for Mstar side and panel or power cables, connectors.
Back-light power supply should be in panel specs. Check CN705 for MB62, related connectors for power supply cards.
Led Blinking Problem
LED blinking, no other operation
This problem indicates a short on Vcc voltages. Protect pin should be logic high while normal operation. When there is a short circuit protect pin will be logic low. If you detect logic low on protect pin, unplug the TV set and control voltage points with a multimeter to
find the shorted voltage to ground.
No Sound Problem
No audio at main TV speaker outputs.
Check supply voltages of VDD_AUDIO, 5V_VCC and 3V3_VCC with a voltage-meter.  There may be a problem in headphone connector or headphone detect circuit (when headphone is connected, speakers are automatically muted). Measure voltage at HP_DETECT pin, it should be 3.3v.
No Sound Problem at Headphone
Check HP detect pin, when headphone is. Check 5V_VCC and 3V3_VCC with a voltemeter.
Standby On/Off Problem
Device cannot boot, TV hangs in standby mode.
Check HP detect pin, when headphone is connected. Check 5V_VCC and 3V3_VCC with a voltage meter.
Standby On/Off Problem
Device cannot boot, TV hangs in standby mode.
There may be a problem about power supply. Check 12V_VCC, 5V_VCC and 3V3_VCC with ith a voltage-meter. Also there may be a problem about SW. Try to update TV with latest SW.
It is good to check SW printout via hyper terminal [or Teraterm].  These printouts may give a clue about the problem.
No Signal Problem
Check tuner supply voltage; 3V3_TUN. Check tuner options are correctly set in Service menu. Check AGC voltage at IF_AGC pin of tuner.

Philips PLHE-P986A – Power supply (SMPS) Circuit diagram (Schematic): Used with: Philips40PFL3605D, Philips40PFL3805D LCD TVs

Used ICs: HS01G, NCP1207, F6N80(FET), FSQ510, PS2771x2(Opto-couplers), OZ9977 (B/Light controller)
SMPS part
Back-light inverter part
Click on the schematics to magnify

LG 26LC55 LCD TV T-Con board - V260-B1-C03- circuit diagram (Schematic)

Used ICs: TPS65161, CM1671A, AT08A, HX8904;  Used with: LG26LC55, LG26LB75, LG25LC46, LG26LC51, LG35-D020803,  LG V260B10C03 LCD TVs 
Schematic diagram [Click on the schematics to zoom in]
B/L inverter schematic

Samsung UN40EH5000FXZA LED TV Troubleshooting- Disassembly, alignments

Samsung 2012 Full LED (EH series) TV models.
FIRMWARE: 6/4/2012 Version 1012.3
-2012 LED TV X9N Full HD Firmware (T-MX9FAUSC_1012.3)
-“Makes better picture quality and solves sound noise with 'Auto Volume On'.”
Avail on GSPN or Samsung.com
Always check for latest updates
Parts and numbers
Place monitor face down on cushioned table.
Remove 4 screws from the stand.
Remove stand.
Remove the 1 screw of cover jack
Remove cover jack
Disconnect the function Assy. Cable
Remove the screws of rear-cover
Remove the rear cover
Not removing the connector can cause Damage to the PC/Connector.
Start Up Sequence
Main & SMPS boards
Function Control Troubleshooting
Five directional function controls:
Standby A3.3V on Function Connector, Pin 3
All Pins should read 3.3V before commands.
Press, at Key 1, Pin 6. 3.3V to 0.0V DC
Left, Right, Up, Down at Key 2, Pin 7.  Check specific voltages on chart.
Verify Video Operation (2012 Models)
a. Boot Logo models with X10 Micro-Processor & above during power on. 
Boot Sound only (X9MPU) during power on.
b. Customer Picture Test in user menu
c. “Display” (If display and Boot Logo & Customer Picture Test are OK the source or cables are first suspected . Then check for a defective input on the Main Board.)
d. Substitute with known good Source.
(external DVD or Signal Generator to check inputs on Main Board)
Using Test Patterns in Factory Mode
Select an active source signal since Test Pattern may rely on signal source to appear or select TV Source mode.
Customer Remote Service Remote
2. Power Standby 
2. Power On
3. Mute, 182, Power On 
3. Info, Test
4. Select SVC
5. Select Test Patterns.
Check/Set Option Bytes: in Factory Model
(Must be performed after replacing Main Board. )
Standard Remote
1. Power OFF the TV
2. Press MUTE, 1 8 2, then POWER.
Factory remote
1. Power the TV ON
2. Press INFO then FACTORY
Check/Perform latest Firmware Upgrade for all repairs.
Perform reset in Service Mode if Main board is replaced.
Option bytes

Philips HTS3510E/94 DVD Home Theater System – region lock, software update, SMPS circuit diagram

Total output power ......... 300 W RMS(30%THD)
Frequency Response .....180Hz – 18kHz / ±3 dB
System ......................... Full range satellite
Speaker impedance .......8 ohm(centre),4 ohm(Front/Rear)
Speaker drivers ..............3” full range speaker
Frequency response .......150 Hz – 20 kHz
-Center……………………100 x 100x 75 (mm)
-Front/Rear..……………100 x 100x 75 (mm)
-Front/Rear…………….0.38 kg/each
Impedance .................8 ohm
Speaker drivers .......... 165mm (6.5”) woofer
Frequency response ...45Hz – 150 Hz
Dimensions ................122.6x 30 9.5 x 369 (mm)
Weight .......................3.54kg
System , Region Code , etc. Setting Produce
System Reset
a) Press “SETUP“ button on RC,TV will show setup menu
b) Select the menu using the▼ and► on RC
c) Go preference page to do system reset.
Region Code Change [Only a qualified service person should reprogram the Region Code.]
a) In open model, press”9” “9“ “9“ “9“ on R/C, then input desired number to change region code :
2 EU
3 AP
4 Australia ,NZ , Latam
5 Russia , INDIA
The laser beam is emitted from the location shown in the figure. When checking the laser diode, be sure to keep your eyes at least 30 cm away from the pickup lens when the diode is turned on. Do not look directly at the laser beam.
Top of DVD mechanism
CAUTION: Use of controls and adjustments, or doing procedures other than those specified herein, may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Version Control Change
In open model, press “1“ “5“ “9“ on RC
a) Press “SETUP“ button on R/C,TV will show se
b) Press► and select version you want using▼
c) Press and “ok” button to confirm
d) TV will show message as below:
SMPS circuit diagram and PWB
Password Change
a) Press “SETUP“ button on R/C,TV will show setup menu
b) Select the menu using the▼ and► on RC
c) Go preference page select “password“ to change
* 136900 is default password supplied.
Check on the Software Version
a) Press “SETUP“ button on R/C,TV will show setup menu
b) Select the menu using the▼ and► on RC
c) Go preference page select “Version Info“.
TV will show the version on screen.
Trade model
a) Press “Open/Close “ button on RC
b) Press “2” “5” “9” on R/C,VFD will display “TRA ON “ or “TRA OFF“
Upgrading new software
a) Copy “software “files” into a CD-R or USB flash drive.
b) Insert the CD-R disc or USB flash drive.
c) Press DISC or USB, the system will identify the update file automatically.
d) VFD will show “Updating“until update is complete.
* the system will switch off to standby automatically after update is complete.
e) OSD will show > “Upgrade file detected; Upgrading”

Sony STR DG520 - MULTI CHANNEL AV RECEIVER - Power Amplifier, DC to Dc converter schematic and adjustments

US, Canadian,AEp,and UK Models
(Models of area code US only)
With 8 ohm loads, both channels driven, from 20 – 20,000 Hz; rated 90 watts per channel minimum RMS power, with no more than 0.09 % total harmonic distortion from 250 milliwatts to rated output.
Amplifier section
Models of area code US, CND 1)
Minimum RMS Output Power (8 ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz, THD 0.09%) 90 W + 90 W
Stereo Mode Output Power (8 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 1%) 100 W + 100 W
Surround Mode Output Power 2) (8 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 10%) 130 W/ch
Models of area code AEP, UK 1)
Minimum RMS Output Power (8 ohms, 20 Hz – 20 kHz, THD 0.09%) 85 W + 85 W
Stereo Mode Output Power (8 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 1%) 100 W + 100 W
Surround Mode Output Power 2) (8 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 10%) 130 W/ch
US, CND 120 V AC, 60 H
AEP, UK 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Video section
Video: 1 Vp-p/75 ohms
Y:1 Vp-p/75 ohms
PB/CB: 0.7 Vp-p/75 ohms
PR/CR: 0.7 Vp-p/75 ohms
80 MHz HD Pass Through
AM CHANNEL STEP 9 kHz/10 kHz SELECTION MODE (US, Canadian model only)
* Either the 9 kHz step or 10 kHz step can be selected for the AM channel step.
* Procedure:
Turn the [INPUT SELECTOR] control to set AM and press the [Power] button to turn off the main power.
While depressing the [TUNING MODE] button, press the [Power] button to turn on the main power.
Either the message “9k STEP” or “10k STEP” appears for a moment and select the desired step.
Power Amplifier and DC to DC converter schematic
 All fluorescent segments are tested.
When this test is activated, all segments light on at the same time, then each segment lights on one after another.
While depressing the [TUNING MODE] and the [DISPLAY] buttons simultaneously, press the [Power] button to turn on the main power.
 Turn the [INPUT SELECTOR] control, all segments light off.
 The preset sound field is cleared when this mode is activated.
Use this mode before returning the product to clients upon completion of repair.
While depressing the [2CH] button, press the [Power] button to turn on the main power.
The message “S.F. CLR.” appears for a moment and initialization is performed.
 The software version is displayed.
While depressing the [SPEAKERS (ON/OFF)] and the [DISPLAY] buttons simultaneously, press the [Power] button to turn on the main power.
The model name, destination and the software version are displayed for a moment.
 Button check:  Procedure
While depressing the [SPEAKERS (ON/OFF)] and the [2CH] buttons simultaneously, press the [Power] button to turn on the main power.
Either the message “REST 13” appears.
Every pressing of any button other than the [Power] counts down the buttons. The buttons which are already counted once are not
counted again. When all buttons are pressed “REST 00” appears.
 The signal will be swap to all channel so that all speaker will have sound output.
1. While depressing the [SPEAKERS (ON/OFF)] and the [A.F.D.] buttons simultaneously, press the power [Power] button to turn on the main power.
2. “SWAP” appears. (No change while displayed.)
All preset contents are reset to the default setting.
1. While depressing the [SPEAKERS (ON/OFF)] and the [MUSIC] buttons simultaneously, press the power [Power] button to turn on the main power.
2. “CLEARED” appears and switch off the set.
1. While pressing the [MEMORY/ENTER] and the [INPUT MODE] buttons simultaneously, press the power [Power] button to turn on the main power.
2. “R.BOX[][][]xxx” appears.
3. xx indicates number of times set powered on.
4. Press any button or power off the set to release test mode.
DCAC Factory Test mode have two stages
1. DCAC DSP Data Line Checking
2. DCAC board Checking
When power off
Press the three buttons [MEMORY/ENTER] + [MOVIE] + [Power] .
“DCAC[]FTM” appears.
Afterward, press the [TUNING MODE] to start DCAC factory test mode.
DCAC DSP Data Line Checking
After press the [TUNING MODE], DCAC Factory test mode will start, below display will show:
“DCAC[][][]x” x=1, 2, 3
If there is error happen, below display will show:
“ERR[]SD0x” x=1 t D1501 or R1530 problem
x=2 t D1503 problem
x=3 t D1504 problem
2. DCAC board Checking
Connect front left speaker of the receiver and AUTO CAL microphone. Turn [MASTER VOLUME] jog, there will be test tone sound output from front left speaker, and the display will change accordingly.
“AD[]-[]xxx” xxx=0 to 255 (depends on loudness of test tone)

TCL L32P60 – How to enter service mode, service adjustments

How to enter the factory mode, P Mode, software update TCL L32P60/MT10L-LA/SS8P
Factory Menu [Service mode]
Follow the below steps to pop-up the Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is disable:
- press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu
- Select “Picture” and press “OK” key to enter the picture sub-menu
- Select “Contrast” item
- press the sub-sequence Remote Control keys “9”, “7”, “3” and “5
Press Remote Control key “Return” To pop-up the Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is enable.
The status of “Factory Key” can be changed in Factory Menu->Hotkey
Press Remote Control “OK” key or “RIGHT” key to enter the sub-menu.
Press Remote Control “Menu” key to go back to the root menu.
Press Remote Control “RIGHT “or “LEFT” key to change the values.
Press Remote Control “OK” key run the function.
Press Remote Control “Exit” key exit the factory menu.
Entering to “P” Mode
Turned on the factory key to enter into “P” mode. The TV will display the following info in bottom left corner in “P” mode.
-main version ***
-project ID ***
-P/PS/D ***
White Balance Alignment
Make sure that the picture mode is “vivid”, enter to “P” mode(turned on the factory key) and switch off “Pic. Enhance” in Factory Menu-> White Balance before white balance alignment .
VGA,CMP, DTV,CVBS_PAL Color Coordinates are relative to HDMI.
CVBS_SECAM and CVBS_NTSC Color Coordinates are relative to CVBS_PAL.
Warm and Cool Color Coordinates are relatives to Normal mode.
Only HDMI(YUV 720p@60Hz) input requires color temperature adjustment. All the Relative Matrix Offsets should be set while doing alignment.
Each panel has its own color coordinates, refer to the following table.
Expected Targets and Tolerances
The measured parameters should be “x, y” coordinates.
The White Balance alignment should be performed using a contact less analyzer (ei: Minolta CA-210). The analyzer may not touch the screen surface, and measurement must be performed in a dark environment keeping the probe(s) at 90+/-2° from the panel.
The result should measure up the relevant spec.
High Pot: Tests
At the end of the process, a High Pot. and an Insulating Resistance tests are required for matching Safety Electrical requirements (ei: xxxx)
High Voltage Withstanding requirements
“Voltage” > 3500 VAC
“Max Leakage Current” > 10 mA
“Test Time” > 5 sec
DC/DC Check
Before power on, please check the board according to the relevant block diagram and circuit diagram, and make sure that no serious error should destroy the board.
For example, the output of DC/DC and LDO should not shorted to ground.
Supply a suited voltage and power on, then check the voltage according to the relevant block diagram , circuit diagram and voltage spec . the error should less than 5% .
For example, the voltage for main chip(DV33, AV33, VCCK,etc.), the voltage for DDR (DDRV) , the voltage for amplifier(AUDIO_PWR),etc. Only the standby voltage is necessary if there is no software in the flash.
[Different model may have different configuration of DC/DC circuit.]
Download the latest release MT10_SW into the flash using MTK SW tool Or upgrade the SW from USB port.
Upgrade FLASH SW from USB”.
Remember to do “Reset all” after upgrade the SW.
Project ID check and modify
There is different ID stored in the NVM depended on different Panels. Modify it with Hyper terminal if the initial ID or a wrong ID make the set cannot display clearly.  It can be checked and modified in Factory menu->Project info->Project ID if the set can display clearly. The set should be restart if the project ID is changed.
Once the boards (chassis, KB, IR, PSU…) and the panel are well interconnected, connect all external generator devices to relevant inputs/outputs below according to their respective test patterns format and check picture content and sound quality accordingly.
Audio tones can be defined by the factory (ie: 1KHz & 3KHz, sweep,).
Picture video formats can be changed by the factory according to their own standard.
DDC and EDID Test
The E-EDID data structure are according to VESA Enhanced EDID 1.3 (and EIA/CEA-861B for HDMI).
HDMI have their own separate bin files:
For EDID check, it’s needed to check whether the correct EDID is downloaded by checking corresponding EDID NVM Checksum or read them out to check bit by bit if it is in line with the released EDID bin file.
[For HDCP compliancy, it’s needed to check whether the HDCP key has been well set.]
How to download FLASH SW
Prepare MTK SW tool for update.
1. Connect the PC to the serial connector on board using a special serial device (USB or COMx).
2. Provide the a correct voltage to the board
3. Start “MTKTOOL.exe” application under MTKxx folder, and set the parameters as below picture (notice: select MT536X chassis)
4. Press “Browse” button to select the corresponding SW bin file to upload
5. Press “Upgrade” button then press “NOR” button to start downloading the SW and wait the gauge displayed “100%” that means the SW has been successfully downloaded.
In the meanwhile, all operations such erasing flash and so… are parsed into the debug window script.
6. Once the SW is downloaded, switch-off/on the chassis board and wait few seconds for EEPROM update.
How to upgrade FLASH SW from USB
Upgrade with loader
1. Save the new software file(*.pkg) in the root directory of USB, and modify its name as upgrade.pkg.
2. Plug in the USB when TV set is “power off” or “standby” (TV set should be on “standby” status if using a touch sensing keyboard).
3. Press down “power” key on keyboard, power on if it is on “power off” status , release the “power” key 2~5 second later , the LED on IR board will flash after upgrade begin, the TV set will start up if upgrade succeed. The LED is on but no flash if upgrade fails, check the set and try again.
Upgrade without loader(The TV set should be able to display normally)
1. Save the new software file(*.pkg) in the root directory of USB, and modify it’s name as a software number, such as “V8-0MT1006-LF1V017.pkg”.
2. Plug in the USB.
3. Upgrade the SW follow the indication display on the screen
Modify panel ID with RC
“Modify panel ID without panel but via a RC”
062598+MENU+xxx (xxx:Panel ID)

Stereo amplifier circuits – for hobbyists and beginners – Power transistor stage output – Power supply schematic

See the three Stereo amplifier circuits; can be followed easily by electronic hobbyists and beginners. Power supply circuit given can be used with three of these circuits. 
Power supply schematic
Schematic-1 [Click on the schematics to zoom in]
Be very careful while wiring the circuit.  Keep in mind that the power supply section have high current capacity.

Sony LCD TVs – KDL Models - ITC3 Chassis – Software update, service mode adjustments and more

Asia, China, America and Europe Models
KLV-28R412B KLV-32R412B KDL-32R430B KLV-40R472B KDL-40RM10B KLV-48R472B
KLV-32R422B KDL-32R433B KLV-40R482B KDL-48R470B
KLV-32R426B KDL-32R435B KDL-40R450B KDL-48R473B
KLV-32R482B KDL-32RM5B KDL-40R453B KDL-48R475B
KDL-32R410B KDL-40R455B KDL-48R480B
KDL-32R413B KDL-40R470B KDL-48R485B
KDL-32R415B KDL-40R473B
KDL-32R420B KDL-40R475B
KDL-32R423B KDL-40R477B
KDL-32R424B KDL-40R478B
KDL-32R425B KDL-40R480B
KDL-32R427B KDL-40R483B
KDL-32R428B KDL-40R485B
Accessing Service Mode
1) Go to TV standby condition by remote commander.
2) Press “i+ (info)”, “5”, “Volume +” then “TV power” on remote.
3) You can see Service Mode on display.
Accessing Self Diagnostic History
1) Press (+) (Enter) button on Remote to enter Self Check Mode.
Accessing Self Diagnostic Menu
1) Go to TV standby condition by remote commander.
2) Press “i+ (info)”, “5”, “Volume -” then “TV power” on remote.
3) To Exit – Press Power Off & On.
Remote function
Error history clear : <8> -> <0>
Panel operation time clear: <7> -> <0>
Accessing Serial Number Edit
1) Press button on Remote to edit Serial Number 
2) Press (UP) or (DN) button to select number [The font color of YES is change to black when it is selected] 
3) Serial Number can be set ONLY ONCE.
After user input data , press <Enter>.
Pop dialog will appear to inform user to confirm data.
Press (Right) or (Left) button to select YES or NO.
Select YES if input data is correct.
Select NO if input data is incorrect.
Press <Enter> to save answer.
Note: The font color of YES is change to black when it is selected.
4) If YES is selected, the input data is saved into EEPROM.
SERIAL NUMBER EDIT is grayed out and the serial number that has been input is displayed.
[The font color of SERIAL NUMBER is change to orange after YES is selected.]
5) If NO is selected, the input data is not saved into EEPROM.
The serial number that has been input is displayed.
User can still edit the Serial Number
Note: The font color of NO is change to black when it is selected
Note: The font color of SERIAL NUMBER is white after NO is selected.
Accessing Model Name Edit
1) Press the (Right) button on Remote to edit Model Name.
2) Press (UP) or (DN) button on Remote to select character.
3) Model Name can be set ONLY ONCE.
After user input data , press <Enter>.
Pop dialog will appear to inform user to confirm data.
Press (Left) or (Right) button to select YES or NO.
Select YES if input data is correct.
Select NO if input data is incorrect.
Press <Enter> to save answer.
Note : The font color of YES is change to black when it is selected.
4) If YES is selected, the input data is saved into EEPROM.
Model Name EDIT is grayed out and the model name that has been input is displayed.
User will not able to edit anymore.
Note : The font color of MODEL NAME is change to orange after YES is selected.
5) If NO is selected, the input data is not saved into EEPROM.
The model name that has been input is displayed.
User can still edit the Model Name.
Note: The font color of NO is change to black when it is selected.
Note : The font color of MODEL NAME is white after NO is selected.
How to update TV Software
1) Download TV firmware image from Server in each region
(filename: sony_fwboot_2014_<Version>_<Dest_ID>.zip)
2. Extract TV firmware image and you will get 2files.
(sony_fw_2014_<Version>_<Dest_ID>.pkg & sony_boot_2014_<Version>_<Dest_ID>.bin)
3. Copy sony_fw_2014_<Version>_<Dest_ID>.pkg file to the root directory of USB pen drive.
4. Insert USB pen drive to USB port of TV
5. Pull Out the AC plug and wait 10 second (considering the charge of AC adaptor).
6. Insert the AC plug
7. Press <Power> Key to turn on the TV.  Confirm LED under SONY logo, it turn to GREEN.
After 20-30 seconds, the LED is turn to Amber and blink.
LED blinking indicates “Under SW Update”.
9. After 1-2 minutes, LED blinking will finish. Please press <Power> key.
If “SONY” Logo displays the screen and LED is turn to GREEN, Software update is success.
10. Pull out the USB pen drive from TV.
11. TV on standby and Enter Service Mode. Press “i+ (info)”, “5”, “Volume +” then “TV power” on remote.
12. Select “Status Information” item and Press <Enter> key.
13. Confirm SW, NVM, Boot, Panel ID, PQ, AQ, Wi-Fi(*1) Version.
14. Press <Return> to back Service Mode Menu.
15. Select “UART Selection” by ↑↓ key, and select “No log” item by ←→ Key and press <Enter> key for Selection.
16. Pull Out the AC plug and wait 10 second (considering the charge of AC adaptor).
17. Insert the AC plug.
18. Press <Power> Key to turn on the TV.
LED Blinking Pattern
When safety shutdown occurs, Standby LED display reports the cause by using the lightning patterns as indicated below.
Example: The figure above shows LED display when SHUTDOWN is caused by Audio Error. It repeats flashing for a specified number of times in 0.5sec/cycle and has a 3 seconds interval of lighting off.
Note that a 3 seconds interval of lighting off is fixed regardless of abnormal state types.
Second possible defective part

Philco PF2118 - Argentina – Used Sanyo TV kit - How to enter service mode, adjustments, circuit diagram

Used ICs: LA42205-E, LA76931, QXXAVC746-N (SMPS control), LA72703, B4L40B01500 (FBT)
The circuit board used with this TV is of Sanyo.  So, when you have to enter the service mode of a Sanyo TV, using the similar kit, you can take reference these instructions to get into the service mode, and to do other adjustments. (make sure that the kit under inspection uses the same number UOC IC) LA76931.  If the UOC IC number is different, these instructions are of no use with that set, but the proceedings for adjustments are almost the same too all CTVs, irrespective of its brand.
This set has an On-screen Service Menu system included in the CPU that allows remote operation for most of the service adjustments.
Enter the Service Menu
While pressing the MENU button on the television, press the Number Key 2 on the remote control unit.
The Service Menu now appears.
Service Adjustments
Press the CHANNEL UP or CHANNEL DOWN button on the remote control handset to select the desired service menu item you want to adjust.
Use the VOLUME + or - to adjust the data. The + or - button will increase or decrease the data sequentially.
Exit from the Service Menu
Press the MENU button to turn off the Service Menu display.
The data which is set in the service mode is stored into the memory IC automatically.
On-screen Service Menu
Following table shows the initial values which have been stored in the CPU ROM, and items for the service adjustments.
When IC802 (EEPROM) is replaced, check the bus data to confirm they are the same as below. The shaded menu should be checked and be set up or readjusted according to the procedures described.
Initial Setup Data marked with an * should be changed from Initial Value Data.
Click on the pictures to magnify
When IC802 (EEPROM) is replaced, IC801 (CPU) will automatically write the initial reference data into IC802 for basic TV operation.
However, the bus data should be checked and some bus data should be set up before attempting the service adjustments.
RF AGC adjustment
Do not attempt to adjust service adjustments not listed on below otherwise it may cause loss of performance and for correct operation.
1. Tune the receiver to most clearest (or strongest) VHF station in your area. Set the brightness and contrast controls to maximum. Set the colour control to minimum.
2. Select Item No. 01 [RFAGC] in the service mode.
3. Change value until the snow noise just disappears.
4. Exit from the service mode.
Horizontal phase [horizontal center] adjustment
1. Receive a monochrome circular pattern.
2. Set the brightness and contrast to normal.
3. Select Item No. 02 [H-PHA] in the service mode.
4. Change value to be optimum horizontal centre position.
5. Exit from the service mode.
Vertical shift [vertical center] adjustment
1. Receive a monochrome circular pattern.
2. Set the brightness and contrast to maximum.
3. Select Item No. 15 [VSHIFT] in the service mode.
4. Change value to be optimum vertical centre position.
5. Exit from the service mode.
Vertical size adjustment
1. Receive a monochrome circular pattern.
2. Set the brightness and contrast to maximum.
3. Select Item No. 04 [V-SIZ] in the service mode.
4. Change value to be optimum vertical size.
5. Exit from the service mode.
OSD position adjustment
1. Receive a monochrome circular pattern.
2. Set the brightness and contrast to normal.
3. Select Item No. 12 [OSDHP] in the service mode.
4. Change value to be proper OSD position.
5. Exit from the service mode.
CCD [Caption H-Position] adjustment
1.Tune receiver to a caption channel.
2. Check that CAPTION position is in the horizontal center of the screen. If CAPTION center is too right or left.
3. Select Item No. 85 [CCD] in the service mode.
4. Adjust data with + or - key for proper horizontal center.
5. Exit from the service mode.
Grey Scale adjustment
1.Receive a monochrome circular pattern.
2. Set the brightness and colour to normal, contrast to maximum.
3. Enter to the service mode.
4. Set each value of Item-16 SBIAS, 17 RBIAS, 18 GBIAS, 19 BBIAS mode to 00. Set each value of Item-20 RDRIV mode to 64, 21 GDRIV to 08.
5. Select Item-23 mode to be one horizontal scanning line and turn the screen volume on the FBT to obtain just visible one colored line.
6. Press the 1 (Red Bias +), 4 (Red Bias -), 2 (Green Bias +), 5 (Green Bias -), 3 (Blue Bias +) or 6 (Blue Bias -) button to adjust the brightness of each color until a dim white line produced.
7. Select Item-24 DRV mode to enter the white balance adjusting mode.
8. Press the 7 (Red Drive +), RECALL (Red Drive -), 8 (Green Drive +) or 0 (Green Drive -) button, 9 (Blue Drive +) or SLEEP TIMER (Blue Drive -) alternately to produce normal black and white picture.
9. Exit from the service mode.
10. Check for proper grey scale tracking at all brightness levels.
NOTE: If the grey scale adjustment is made after picture tube replacement, check the high voltage.
Circuit diagram [Schematic] and PWB
Service Adjustment-2 (MTS Adjustment)
Enter the Service Menu
While pressing the MENU button on the television, press the Number Key 3 on the remote control unit. The Service Menu now appear.
Service Adjustments
Press the CHANNEL UP or CHANNEL DOWN button on the remote control handset to select the desired service menu item you want to adjust.
Use the VOLUME + or - to adjust the data. The + or - button will increase or decrease the data sequentially
Exit from the Service Menu
Press the MENU button to turn off the Service Menu display.
The data which is set in the service mode is stored into the memory IC automatically.
Fine tuning adjustment
This adjustment is used to do a fine tuning of the channels with poor reception after they have been stored by the automatic tuning.
This function is available for one channel only and the fine-tuned channel is memorized into IC802 (EEPROM).
Enter the Service Menu
While pressing the MENU button on the television, press the “4” or MENU button on the remote control unit. The Service Menu now appear.
Press and hold the VOLUME + or VOLUME – button on the remote control handset or TV set to make fine tuning adjustment.
Press and hold the VOLUME + button for higher frequency tuning, and press and hold the VOLUME - for lower frequency tuning.
Fine tuning data value will be automatically stored in memory.
To return to normal TV mode, press the MENU button on the TV set or remote control handset. (Or will automatically return to normal TV mode after 5 seconds.)
Protection Circuit
This TV set has a built-in power supply protection circuit.  It is provided to protect the TV set in case of a power supply circuit malfunctions. When something abnormality occurs during TV reception, the TV set goes to the standby mode.
When an abnormality occurs during TV reception, it causes pin 23 of the CPU to go continually Low voltage for about one second. The CPU detects
that this has occurred and outputs the signal from pin 36 to switch off the power supply lines.
Releasing the protective circuit and restoring power supply
To release the protective circuit and restore power supply, turn the power to the TV set OFF and then ON again via either the main power switch or the ON-OFF button on the remote control. This will work only if the power supply trouble was temporary.
If there is permanent trouble such as a damaged circuit, power cannot be restored and the circuit will have to be repaired.
High voltage check
Note: +B (+130V) Voltage and Gray-scale Adjustment must be completed before attempting High Voltage Check.
1. Connect high voltage voltmeter negative lead to ground, and connect + lead to anode of picture tube.
2. Tune receiver to an active channel and confirm TV is operating properly.
3. The high voltage must be 25KV ± 1KV and less than 28KV at 0 beam current (Brightness and contrast minimum setting).
Note: If the picture tube is replaced, check the high voltage.

Sony LCD TVs KDL32V2000, Sony40V2000, Sony46V2000 – SMPS schematic – Australian models

Used ICS - SI8008TM-TL, BD9775FV, FA5501AN-D1-TE1(SMPS control), PC123Y22J00F(Opto-coupler), CXD9841P, CXD9841M, MIP2H2
Panel power supply schematic
Sony KDL40V2000, KDL46V2000 - SMPS schematic
Sony KDL32V2000 - SMPS schematic
Click on the schematics to magnify

Konka 32EEFL LCD TV – power supply schematic - KIP L180114C-1-01

Used with H Buster HBTV-42D06FD and Konka 32EEFL
Used ICs: FAN7530, FSQ0465, OZ9976, LM358

Click on the schematics to zoom in

Haier 48DR3505 LCD TV – how to enter service mode, adjustments, panel faults - Software update - MSD3393LU Chassis

How to enter into Service Mode
The way to the factory mode menu:
1: Press Menu
2: Input “8893
System will be into the factory mode menu when 2 steps above are done.
At the end of the main factory menu, you can see the edition of the software like this
" BUILD TIME 2014.09.15 23:45:32
   VERSION v1.0 ”.
How to exit
If you want to exit this factory menu, please press the button”Exit” on the remote.
System will be out the factory mode menu.
In factory mode menu, press up/down button to choose the up/down item, press right or OK button to the sub-menu. Press MENU button to go back.
General setting
1) Init Flash;
2) Uart Enable: Choose on or off in Uart Enable;
3) Dbg Message Enable: Choose on or off in Dbg Message Enable;
4) Test Pattern: Choose the Pattern picture;
5) Dynamic Contrast: Choose on or off in Dynamic Contrast;
6) Power On Mode: Choose on or off in Power On Mode;
7) Mirror Control: Choose on or off in Mirror Control;
8) Front End Status
9) Timer Test
10) SSC
11) Erase Flash
12) PQ Advance Debug: Choose on or off in PQ Advance Debug;
13) Factory remote: Open or close the Factory remote;
14) Factory CH Export.
Adjust the Picture Mode, Picture Curve,
White Balance and Over Scan in different source. 
Adjust the values of Sound Mode,
Volume Curve, Audio Output and True Volume in different source.
Panel Setting
1) LVDS Bit Mode: choose the Bit;
2) LVDS MAP: choose the MAP;
3) LVDS ODD/Even: choose ODD or Even;
4) Bcaklight:Adiust the value of backlight;
5) Reset Panel Setting Date
6) 6MX0 LVDS Map: choose the 6MX0 LVDS MAP;
7) 6MX0 Channel: choose the 6MX0 Channel;
8) 6MX0 Mirror: choose the 6MX0 Mirror;
9) 6MX0 Demo: choose the 6MX0 Demo;
10) 6MX0 Update.
MSD3393LU software update
1. Copy the software files to a USB disk on the root directory;
2. Insert the USB disk when the AC power is off;
3. Turn on the AC power in turn to begin;
4. Turn off the AC power until the indicator light fast twinkling;
5. Pull out the USB disk and power on the television.
Note: Do not turn off the TV while it is updating.
1. Mainchip—MSD3393LU(U1)
2. Audio Ampli
er—TPA3110D2PWPR (UA1)
3. Main Flash Memory—GD25Q32BSIG (UF1)
4. DC/DC convertor 5V-1.8V for MSD3393LU (U1)—LC1117CLTRAD (UL2)
5. voltage convertor 5V to 3.3V_STB —LC1117CLTR33 (UL1)
6. voltage convertor 5V to 1.15V_STB —LC3406CB5TR (UD1)
7. voltage convertor 5V to 3V for tuner—LC1117CLTR33 (UT1)
8. Tuner —SDCL1005CR33JTDF (RFT1)
Faults and possible reasons
Vertical bar, Vertal gray line, Vertical color line(light or dark forever)
Block Defect :TCP cracking or cracking
Dim or L/D :TCP Sunken
*TCP lead cracking
*ACF bonding short
*Awful environment and something electric enter into LCD
*Mis-align between TCP and Panel
*Panel failure
*TCP failure.
Horizontal bar, Horizontal gray line, Horizontal line(light or dark forever)
Bright dot dark dot in panel, Bladder in Polarizer, Polarizer Scratch
Abnormal Display, Bright and dark display alternately
1.Chip lose action
2. IC short or joint iog bad
3. Pannel and vsc connect bad
White Screen> B/L normal, only white screen display > Maybe caused by surge current and EDS
Black Screen > B/L normal, only Black screen display > Maybe caused by surge current and EDS
FIIcker> Crosstalk > LCD Vcom imbalance
Abnormal Color> Only color abnormal > Capacitance improper bring cross-talk inside LCD panel. 1.Chip lose action.  2.IC short or junction bad.  3. Panel and vsc connect bad
Mechanical Noise> When turn panel,appear cacophony > Caused by Mechanical noise of back-light unit.
Ripple> Concentric circle > Caused by between mechanism and panel
B/L off > B/L lose action > Connect badness between wire and electrode
B/L dark> B/L brightness darker than normal > Connect badness Short between wire and electrode.
B/L wire damaged, B/L wire open, B/L shut down> Operation abnormal or systemic noise Operation, abnormal or systemic noise, Short between lamp housing and wire, Because consume power too much. 
F/M > F/M in B/L ,white, black Rotundity or wire like> F/M in B/L unit
Light leakage > Brightness at the bottom of the LCM brighter than normal > B/L unit bad.
Mechanical or B/L 
Uniformity> B/L brightness asymmetric > Sheet in B/L unit is uneven
Mount hole > Lack screw or screw damage. 

Attack MK4800 - Hi-power professional amplifier circuit diagram

Used power output transistor pair - 2SC5198, 2SA1941
Power supply schematic and PWB
LED VU drive schematic
Power amplifier circuit and PWB
Click on the pictures to magnify

Sony LCD Monitor LMD2450W - How to enter service mode, adjustments

Service mode entry and adjustments - Sony 24 inch LCD Monitors LMD2450W, LMD2450MC, LMD2450MD, LMD2050W
Required tools and measuring equipment
Luminance meter :: Minolta CA-210, CA-110 or equivalent.
If equivalent is not available, make adjustment by comparing the LCD monitor with the reference monitor that has already been calibrated correctly.
Signal generator: VG-854 or equivalent.
Warm-up time
Before starting adjustment, allow a warm-up of minimum 120 minutes to stabilize the back light of the LCD panel.
How to enter service mode
1 Press the [MENU] button to display the MENU screen.
2 Press the [CONTROL] and [RETURN] buttons simultaneously.
Preparing the power supply and signals
1 Connect the supplied AC cord of this unit.  Power voltage: 100 to 240 V AC, 50/60Hz
2 Turn on the power of this unit.
White Balance Adjustment
If the LCD panel is changed, perform the white balance adjustment.
1 Move the cursor to SIGNAL using the Down  key and press the [ENTER] button to enter the SIGNAL layer.
2 Move the cursor to WHITE BALANCE using the Down  key and press the [ENTER] button to enter the SIGNAL/WHITE BALANCE layer.
To move the cursor to select an item, use the Up  or Down  key. To set the selected item, press the [ENTER] button.
D93 adjustment
1 Select D93 from COLOR TEMP and set it by pressing [ENTER] button.
Target value : x = 0.283, y = 0.298
2 Select ADJUST GAIN, and adjust the GAIN. Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
3 Select ADJUST BIAS, and adjust the BIAS. Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all of the required specifications are met all at the same time.
D65 adjustment
1 Select D65 from COLOR TEMP and set it by pressing [ENTER] button.
Target value : x = 0.313, y = 0.329
2 Select ADJUST GAIN, and adjust the GAIN.
Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
3 Select ADJUST BIAS, and adjust the BIAS.
Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all of the required specifications are met all at the same time.
D56 adjustment (LMD-2450MD/2450MC)
1 Select D56 from COLOR TEMP and set it by pressing [ENTER] button.
Target value : x = 0.330, y = 0.345
2 Select ADJUST GAIN, and adjust the GAIN.
Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
3 Select ADJUST BIAS, and adjust the BIAS.
Adjust using R and B while G is fixed.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all of the required specifications are met all at the same time.
A/D Adjustment (COMPONENT)
1 Input the 575/50I 100% 8 color-bar COMPONENT signal to this unit.
2 Press the input switch to accept the COMPONENT input signal.
3 Enter the Service menu, then select SIGNAL > SIGNAL LEVEL > AUTO ADJ.
Perform the following automatic adjustments.
4 Perform the adjustments of items 1-2 to 1-4 in table shown below by repeating the above described procedures.  However, before performing AUTO ADJ, adjust the COMPONENT level or NTSC SETUP appropriately according to the respective conditions described in the table.

A/D Adjustment (RGB)
1 Input the 480/60I 100% 8 color-bar RGB signal to this unit.
2 Press the input switch to accept the RGB input signal.
3 Enter the Service menu, then select SIGNAL > SIGNAL LEVEL > AUTO ADJ. Perform the following automatic adjustments.
4. Perform the adjustment of item 1-6 in table  shown below by repeating the above described procedures.
A/D Adjustment (COMPOSITE)
1 Input the NTSC 100% 8 color-bar COMPOSITE signal to this unit.
2 Press the input switch to accept the COMPOSITE input signal.
3 Enter the Service menu, then select SIGNAL > SIGNAL LEVEL > AUTO ADJ. Perform the following automatic adjustments.
4 Perform the adjustments of items 1-8 and 1-9 in table shown below by repeating the above described procedures.
A/D Adjustment (Y/C)
1 Input the NTSC 100% 8 color-bar Y/C signal to this unit.
2 Press the input switch to accept the Y/C input signal.
3 Enter the Service menu, then select SIGNAL > SIGNAL LEVEL > AUTO ADJ. Perform the following automatic adjustments.
4 Perform the adjustments of items 1-11 and 1-12 in table 4 shown below by repeating the above described procedures.
A/D Adjustment (COMPUTER)
1 Input the COMPUTER HD15 640 x 480 60 Hz 100% 8 color-bar signal to this unit.
2 Press the input switch to accept the COMPUTER (HD15) input signal.
3 Enter the Service menu, then select SIGNAL > SIGNAL LEVEL > AUTO ADJ. Perform the following automatic adjustments.

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