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Philips 40PFG5100-77 LED LCD Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding - Chassis TPM15.4L

Philips 32PFG5100, Philips 40PFG5100 and Philips 48PFG5100 LED LCD TVs- how to enter service mode, adjustments, software update and more...
Service Modes
The Service Mode feature is split into five parts:
* Service Alignment Mode (SAM).
* Factory Mode.
* Customer Service Mode (CSM).
* Computer Aided Repair Mode (ComPair).
SAM and the Factory mode offer features, which can be used by the Service engineer to repair/align a TV set. Some features are:
* Make alignments (e.g. White Tone), reset the error buffer (SAM and Factory Mode).
* Display information (“SAM” indication in upper right corner of screen, error buffer, software version, operating hours, options and option codes, sub menus).
The CSM is a Service Mode that can be enabled by the consumer. The CSM displays diagnosis information, which the customer can forward to the dealer or call centre. In CSM mode, “CSM”, is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
The information provided in CSM and the purpose of CSM is to:
* Increase the home repair hit rate.
* Decrease the number of nuisance calls.
* Solved customers’ problem without home visit.
ComPair Mode is used for communication between a computer and a TV on I2C /UART level and can be used by a Service engineer to quickly diagnose the TV set by reading out error codes, read and write in NVMs, communicate with ICs and the micro processor (PWM, registers, etc.), and by making use of a fault finding database. It will also be possible to up and download the software of the TV set via I2C with help of ComPair. To do this, ComPair has to be connected to the TV set via the ComPair connector, which will be accessible through the rear of the set (without removing the rear cover).
Note: For the new model range, a new remote control (RC) is used with some renamed buttons. This has an impact on the activation of the Service modes. For instance the old “MENU” button is now called “HOME” (or is indicated by a “house” icon)
Life Timer
During the life time cycle of the TV set, a timer is kept (called “Op. Hour”). It counts the normal operation hours (not the Stand-by hours). The actual value of the timer is displayed in SAM in a decimal value. Every two soft-resets increase the hour by + 1. Stand-by hours are not counted.
Software Identification, Version, and Cluster
The software ID, version, and cluster will be shown in the main menu display of SAM and CSM.
The screen will show: “AAAAAAB-XXX.YYY.MMM.TTT”,
* AAAAAA is the chassis name: TPM142L.
* B is the region indication: E = Europe, A = AP/China, U = NAFTA, L = LATAM.
* XXX is the main version number: this is updated with a major change of specification (incompatible with the previous software version). Numbering will go from 0- 255.
* YYY is the sub version number: this is updated with a minor change of specification (incompatible with the previous versions). Numbering will go from 0- 255.
* MMM is the number of the mandatory (upgrade) release in association with the area of the mandatory (upgrade) release. Numbering will go from 0 - 255.
* TTT bit 7 to 1 is the area of the mandatory (upgrade) release where 0 - none, 1 - Netflix, rest reserved.
* TTT bit 0 : 0 = development release, 1 = production release.
Display Option Code Selection
When after an SSB or display exchange, the display option code is not set properly, it will result in a TV with “no display”.  Therefore, it is required to set this display option code after such a repair.
To do so, press the following key sequence on a standard RC transmitter: “062598” directly followed by MENU and “xxx”, where “xxx” is a 3 digit decimal value of the panel type. When the value is accepted and stored in NVM, the set will switch to Stand-by, to indicate that the process has been completed.  During this algorithm, the NVM-content must be filtered, because several items in the NVM are TV-related and not SSB related (e.g. Model and Prod. S/N). Therefore, “Model” and “Prod. S/N” data is changed into “See Type Plate”. In case a call center or consumer reads “See Type Plate” in CSM mode.
Service Alignment Mode (SAM)
> To modify the NVM.
> To display/clear the error code buffer.
> To perform alignments.
* Operation hours counter (maximum five digits displayed).
* Software version, error codes, and option settings display.
* Error buffer clearing.
* Option settings.*
* Software alignments (White Tone).
* NVM Editor.
* Set screen mode to full screen (all content is visible).
How to Activate SAM
To activate SAM, use one of the following methods:
> Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062596”, directly followed by the “INFO/OK” button. Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
> Or via ComPair.
After entering SAM, the following items are displayed, with “SAM” in the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that the television is in Service Alignment Mode.
How to Navigate
> In the SAM menu, select menu items with the UP/DOWN keys on the remote control transmitter. The selected item will be indicated. When not all menu items fit on the screen, use the UP/DOWN keys to display the next/previous menu items.
> With the “LEFT/RIGHT” keys, it is possible to:
* (De) activate the selected menu item.
* (De) activate the selected sub menu.
> Change the value of the selected menu item.
* When you press the MENU button once while in top level SAM, the set will switch to the normal user menu (with the SAM mode still active in the background).
How to Store SAM Settings
To store the settings changed in SAM mode (except the RGB Align settings), leave the top level SAM menu by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the television set. The mentioned exceptions must be stored separately via the STORE button.
How to Exit SAM
Use one of the following methods:
> Switch the set to STANDBY by pressing the mains button on the remote control transmitter or the television set.
> Via a standard RC-transmitter, key in “00” sequence.
Note: When the TV is switched “off” by a power interrupt while in SAM, the TV will show up in “normal operation mode” as soon as the power is supplied again. The error buffer will not be cleared.
Contents of the Factory mode
> To perform extended alignments.
* Displaying and or changing Panel ID information.
* Displaying and or changing Tuner ID information.
* Error buffer clearing.
* Various software alignment settings.
* Test pattern displaying.
* Public Broadcasting Service password Reset.
* etc.
How to Activate the Factory mode
To activate the Factory mode, use the following method:
> Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: from the “menu/home” press “1999”, directly followed by the Back/Return” button. Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
After entering the Factory mode, the items are displayed.
How to Exit the Factory mode
Use one of the following methods:
> Select EXIT_FACTORY from the menu and press the “OK” button.
Note: When the TV is switched “off” by a power interrupt, or normal switch to “stand-by” while in the factory mode, the TV will show up in “normal operation mode” as soon as the power is supplied again. The error buffer will not be cleared.
Customer Service Mode (CSM)
The Customer Service Mode shows error codes and information on the TVs operation settings. The call center can instruct the customer (by telephone) to enter CSM in order to identify the status of the set. This helps the call center to diagnose problems and failures in the TV set before making a service call.
The CSM is a read-only mode; therefore, modifications are not possible in this mode.
* Ignore “Service unfriendly modes”.
* Line number for every line (to make CSM language independent).
* Set the screen mode to full screen (all contents on screen is visible).
* After leaving the Customer Service Mode, the original settings are restored.
* Possibility to use “CH+” or “CH-” for channel surfing, or enter the specific channel number on the RC.
How to Activate CSM
To activate CSM, press the following key sequence on a standard remote control transmitter: “123654” (do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence).  After entering the Customer Service Mode, the following items are displayed.
Note: Activation of the CSM is only possible if there is no (user) menu on the screen.
Contents of CSM
1 Set Type This information is very helpful for a help-desk/workshop as reference for further diagnosis. In this way, it is not necessary for the customer to look at the rear of the TV-set. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after corruption, this set type has to be re-written to NVM.
2 Production code Displays the production code (the serial number) of the TV. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after corruption, this production code has to be re-written to NVM.
3 Installation date Indicates the date of the first installation of the TV. This date is acquired via time extraction.
4 a Option Code 1 Gives the option codes of option group 1 as set in SAM.
4b Option Code 2 Gives the option codes of option group 2 as set in SAM.
5 SSB Gives an identification of the SSB as stored in NVM. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after corruption, this identification number has to be re-written to NVM. This identification number is the 12NC number of the SSB.
6 Display 12NC NVM read/write.
7 PSU 12NC NVM read/write.
8 RF4CE 12NC NVM read/write.
2.1 Current Main SW Displays the built-in main software version. In case of field problems related to software, software can be upgraded. As this software is consumer upgradeable, it will also be published on the internet.
2.2 Standby SW Displays the built-in stand-by processor software version. Upgrading this software will be possible via USB.
2.3 Panel Code Displays the Display Code number.
2.4 Bootloader ID ID of Bootloader.
2.5 NVM version Detects and displays NVM version.
2.6 Flash ID ID of flash model.
2.7 e-UM version eDFU (help) version.
2.8 Channel Table Structure Version version of channel table structure.
2.9 Error Codes Detects and displays errors.
3.1 Signal Quality Analog/digital signal strength.
3.2 Child lock Not active / active. This is a combined item for locks. If any lock (channel lock, parental lock) is active, it is indicated as “active”.
3.3 HDCP keys Indicates the validity of the HDMI keys (or HDCP keys). In case these keys are not valid and the customer wants to make use of the HDMI functionality, the SSB has to be replaced.
3.4 Ethernet MAC address A Media Access Control address (MAC adress) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.
3.5 Wireless MAC address Wireless Media Access Control address.
How to Navigate
By means of the “CURSOR-DOWN/UP” knob (or the scroll wheel) on the RC-transmitter, can be navigated through the menus.
How to Exit CSM
To exit CSM, use one of the following methods.
> Press the MENU/HOME button on the remote control transmitter.
> Press the POWER button on the remote control transmitter.
> Press the POWER button on the television set.
Software Upgrading
It is possible for the user to upgrade the main software via the USB port. This allows replacement of a software image in a stand alone set. A description on how to upgrade the main software can be found in the DFU or on the Philips website.
Philips continuously tries to improve its products, and it’s recommend that the TV software is updated when updates are available. Software update files can be obtained from the dealer or can be downloaded from the Philips  websites.
Preparing a portable memory for software upgrade
The following requirements have to be met:
1. A personal computer connected to the internet.
2. An archive utility that supports the ZIP-format (e.g. WinZip for Windows or Stufflt for Mac OS).
3. A FAT formatted USB memory stick (preferably empty).
1. Only FAT/DOS-formatted memory sticks are supported.
2. Only use software update files that can be found on the Philips website.
Check the current TV software version
Before starting the software upgrade procedure, it is advised to check that what the current TV software:
1. Press the “1 2 3 6 5 4” button on the remote control to enter the CSM mode.
2. Use the up/down cursor keys to select “Current Main Software”.
If the current software version of the TV is the same as the latest update file found on philips.com/support, it is not necessary to update the TV software.
Download the latest software
1. Open the internet page philips.com/support.
2. Find information and software related to the TV.
3. Select the latest software update file and download it to the PC.
4. Insert the USB memory stick into one of the USB ports of the PC.
5. Decompress the downloaded ZIP file and copy it to the root directory to Update the TV software
1. Turn the TV on and wait for it to boot completely.
2. Insert the USB memory stick that contains the software update files in one of the TV’s USB ports.
3. The TV will detect the USB memory stick automatically.
Then a window jumps out.
Note: If the USB flash drive is not detected after power up, disconnect it and re-insert it.
4. Select [Update] and press OK.
5. To proceed, In next menu select [Start] and press OK to start software updates.
6. Upgrading will now begins and the status of the updating progress will be displayed.
7. When the TV software is updated. Remove your USB flash drive, then select [Restart] and press OK to restart the TV. f the USB flash drive.
* Do not remove the USB flash drive during the software update.
* If a power failure occurs during the update, do not remove the USB flash drive from the TV. The TV will continue the software update as soon as the power comes up again.
* If an error occurs during the update retry the procedure or contact the dealer.
* We do not recommend downgrading to an older version.
* Once the upgrade is finished, use the PC to remove the TV software from the USB portable memory.
Content and Usage of the One-Zip Software File Below you find a content explanation of the One-Zip file, and instructions on how and when to use it. Only files that are relevant for Service are mentioned here.
> EDID_clustername.zip: Contains the EDID content of the different EDID NVMs. See ComPair for further instructions.
> FUS_clustername_version.zip: Contains the file downloaded which is needed to upgrade the TV main software and the software download application.
> NVM_clustername_version.zip: Default NVM content.
Must be programmed via ComPair.
How to Copy NVM Data to/from USB
When copying data to and from a USB memory stick, the folder “repair” is used. When inserting an empty USB memory stick, and downloading data to the stick, the TV will create this folder.  When sending data from a USB memory stick to a TV, the intended data must be available in the “repair” folder.
Note that when copying EDID data to the TV, all necessary EDID files must be in this folder.
Error Codes
Error codes are required to indicate failures in the TV set. In principle a unique error code is available for every:
* Activated (SW) protection.
* Failing I2C device.
* General I2C error.
The last five errors, stored in the NVM, are shown in the Service menu’s. This is called the error buffer.
The error code buffer contains all errors detected since the last time the buffer was erased. The buffer is written from left to right. When an error occurs that is not yet in the error code buffer, it is displayed at the left side and all other errors shift one position to the right.
An error will be added to the buffer if this error differs from any error in the buffer. The last found error is displayed on the left.
An error with a designated error code never leads to a deadlock situation. It must always be diagnosable (e.g. error buffer via OSD or blinking LED or via ComPair).
In case a failure identified by an error code automatically results in other error codes (cause and effect), only the error code of the MAIN failure is displayed.
How to Read the Error Buffer
You can read the error buffer in three ways:
> On screen via the SAM/CSM (if you have a picture).
* ERROR: 000 000 000 000 000: No errors detected
* ERROR: 013 000 000 000 000: Error code 13 is the last and only detected error
* ERROR: 034 013 000 000 000: Error code 13 was detected first and error code 34 is the last detected (newest) error
> Via the blinking LED procedure (when you have no picture).
Error codes
In this chassis only “layer 2” error codes are available and point to problems on the SSB. They are triggered by LED blinking when CSM is activated. Only the following layer 2 errors are defined:
How to Clear the Error Buffer
The error code buffer is cleared in the following cases:
> By using the CLEAR command in the SAM menu
> By using the CLEAR command in the Factory mode:
> By using the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062599” directly followed by the OK button.
> If the contents of the error buffer have not changed for 50 hours, the error buffer resets automatically.
Note: If you exit SAM by disconnecting the mains from the television set, the error buffer is not reset.
The Blinking LED Procedure
The software is capable of identifying different kinds of errors.
Because it is possible that more than one error can occur over time, an error buffer is available, which is capable of storing the last five errors that occurred. This is useful if the OSD is not working properly.
Errors can also be displayed by the blinking LED procedure. The method is to repeatedly let the front LED pulse with as many pulses as the error code number, followed by a period of 1.5 seconds in which the LED is “off”. Then this sequence is repeated.
Example (1): error code 4 will result in four times the sequence LED “on” for 0.25 seconds / LED “off” for 0.25 seconds. After this sequence, the LED will be “off” for 1.5 seconds. Any RC command terminates the sequence. Error code LED blinking is in red color.
Fault Finding and Repair Tips
* It is assumed that the components are mounted correctly with correct values and no bad solder joints.
* Before any fault finding actions, check if the correct options are set.
NVM Editor
In some cases, it can be convenient if one directly can change the NVM contents. This can be done with the “NVM Editor” in SAM mode. With this option, single bytes can be changed.
> Do not change these, without understanding the function of each setting, because incorrect NVM settings may seriously hamper the correct functioning of the TV set.
> Always write down the existing NVM settings, before changing the settings. This will enable you to return to the original settings, if the new settings turn out to be incorrect.
Load Default NVM Values
It is possible to upload the default values to the NVM with ComPair in case the SW is changed, the NVM is replaced with a new (empty) one, or when the NVM content is corrupted.
After replacing an EEPROM (or with a defective/no EEPROM), default settings should be used to enable the set to start-up and allow the Service Default Mode and Service Alignment Mode to be accessed.
No Picture
When you have no picture, first make sure you have entered the correct display code.
Unstable Picture via HDMI input
Check (via ComPair or factory mode) if HDMI EDID data is properly programmed
No Picture via HDMI input
Check if HDCP key is valid. This can be done in CSM.
TV Will Not Start-up from Stand-by
Possible Stand-by Controller failure. Re-flash the software.
Audio Amplifier
The Class D-IC U601 has a powerpad for cooling. When the IC is replaced it must be ensured that the power pad is very well pushed to the PWB while the solder is still liquid. This is needed to insure that the cooling is guaranteed, otherwise the Class D-IC could break down in short time.
When CSM is activated and there is a USB memory stick connected to the TV, the software will dump the complete CSM content to the USB memory stick. The file (Csm.txt) will be saved in the root of the USB memory stick.
Make sure that the volume is set to minimum during disconnecting the speakers in the ON-state of the TV. The audio amplifier can be damaged by disconnecting the speakers during ON-state of the set.
Display option code
Attention: In case the SSB is replaced, always check the Panel Code in CSM, even when picture is available. Performance with the incorrect display option code can lead to unwanted side-effects for certain conditions.
General Alignment Conditions
Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions:
* Power supply voltage: 90 - 264 VAC, 50/ 60 ± 3 Hz.
* Connect the set to the mains via an isolation transformer with low internal resistance.
* Allow the set to warm up for approximately 15 minutes.
* Measure voltages and waveforms in relation to correct ground (e.g. measure audio signals in relation to AUDIO_GND).
Caution: It is not allowed to use heat sinks as ground.
* Test probe: Ri > 10 MW, Ci < 20 pF.
* Use an isolated trimmer/screwdriver to perform alignments.
Hardware Alignments: Not applicable.
Software Alignments
Put the set in SAM mode (see Chapter 5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding). The SAM menu will now appear on the screen. Select RGB Align and go to one of the sub menus.
The alignments are explained below.
The following items can be aligned:
> White point.
To store the data:
> Press OK on the RC before the cursor is moved to the left.
> Select “Store” and press OK on the RC.
> Switch the set to stand-by mode.
For the next alignments, supply the following test signals via a video generator to the RF input:
> EU/AP-PAL models: a PAL B/G TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 475.25 MHz
> US/AP-NTSC models: an NTSC M/N TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 61.25 MHz (channel 3).
> LATAM models: an NTSC M TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 61.25 MHz (channel 3).
RGB Alignment
White Tone Alignment:
> Activate SAM.
> Select “RGB Align.” and choose a color temperature.
> Use a 100% white screen as input signal and set the following values:
* “Red BL Offset” and “Green BL Offset” to “7” (if present).
* All “White point” values initial to “128”
In case you have a colour analyser:
> Measure with a calibrated (phosphor- independent) color analyser (e.g. Minolta CA-210) in the center of the screen.
Consequently, the measurement needs to be done in a dark environment.
> Adjust the correct x, y coordinates (while holding one of the White point registers R, G or B on max. value) by means of decreasing the value of one or two other white points to the correct x, y coordinates  Tolerance: dx: ± 0.003, dy: ± 0.003.
> Repeat this step for the other colour Temperatures that need to be aligned.
> When finished return to the SAM root menu and press STANDBY on the RC to store the aligned values to the NVM.
If you do not have a color analyser, you can use the default values. This is the next best solution. The default values are average values coming from production (statistics).
Display Adjustment
You can use the default values. The default values are average values coming from production.
> Enter SAM mode.
> Select a colour temperature (e.g. COOL, NORMAL, or WARM).
> Set the RED, GREEN and BLUE default values according to the values in back to div.table below
> When finished press OK on the RC, then press STORE to store the aligned values to the NVM.
> Restore the initial picture settings after the alignments.
This group setting of color temperature will be applied automatically to the TV / VGA / HDMI / AV sources.
Option Settings
The microprocessor communicates with a large number of I2C ICs in the set. To ensure good communication and to make digital diagnosis possible, the microprocessor has to know which ICs to address. The presence / absence of these MT5580 ICs is made known by the option codes.
* After changing the option(s), save them by pressing the OK button on the RC before the cursor is moved to the left, select STORE and press OK on the RC.
* The new option setting is only active after the TV is switched “off” / “stand-by” and “on” again with the mains switch (the NVM is then read again).
Option Code Overview
Enter SAM mode to check the option codes. they could be edited in the NVM.
Display Code Overview
Press the following key sequence on a standard RC transmitter: “062598” directly followed by MENU and “xxx”, where “xxx” is a 3 digit decimal value of the panel type: see column “Display Code” in the table below. After resetting the Display Code, restart the set immediately.
Reset of Repaired SSB
A very important issue towards a repaired SSB from a Service repair shop (SSB repair on component level) implies the reset of the NVM on the SSB.  A repaired SSB in Service should get the service Set type “00PF0000000000” and Production code “00000000000000”.
Also the virgin bit is to be set. To set all this, you can use the ComPair tool or use the “NVM editor” and “Dealer options” items in SAM (do not forget to “store”).
After a repaired SSB has been mounted in the set (set repair on board level), the type number (CTN) and production code of the TV has to be set according to the type plate of the set. For this, you can use the NVM editor in SAM. The loading of the CTN and production code can also be done via compare (Model number programming).
In case of a display replacement, reset the “Operation hours display” to “0”, or to the operation hours of the replacement display.
* After the NVM has been replaced, go to SAM and scroll to the
<Reload MAC address>
* Select the item and press <OK> on the RC.
Reset of Repaired SSB
After NVM replacement, reload MAC address via SAM menu.This ensures the correct MAC address to be available in CSM for future repair actions.
Way of working:
* After the NVM has been replaced, go to SAM and scroll to the <Reload MAC address> .
* Select the item and press <OK> on the RC.
* Only applicable to all related models that are “Smart TV level 0”enabled (only YouTube access). For models without internet connection feature, no action is needed.
* HDCP keys are located in the NVM. If you are loading NVM with the ComPair tool, there is warning message displayed.  New NVM EEPROMs are shipped with pre-loaded HDCP keys.
SSB Identification
SSB’s of this chassis are identified by a “715” code on the SSB.
* 715 main category, Printed Wiring Board
* Axxxx sub category, sequential coding number
* Nnn Version code
* N Development number
* nn Production number
* MMM Mounting variation code
* oooo Optional variation code
Make sure when replacing an SSB the SSB identification codes match the replacement panel.

715G3721-P01-H20 - LCD power supply schematic - Toshiba 22AV733G LCD TV

Used semiconductors: LD7575A-PS, 2SK4101LS(FET), OZ9938GN, AO4616
Back-light inverter section circuit
Main SMPS section circuit
Click on the schematics to magnify

Toshiba 22AV733G LCD TV – internet setting – Audio amplifier schematic - power board circuit diagram – using with network

MAIN BOARD - 715G3747-D
POWER BOARD - 715G3721
Internet Explorer Settings
When Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista is used, ActiveX control and pop-up windows are limited by the enhanced security function and this system may not work. In that case, perform the Internet Explorer setting using the following procedure to restore normal operation
Windows version check
1. [My Computer (right-click)] - [Properties]
2. Internet Explorer setting - [Tools] - [Internet Options]
Using with Network
Precaution: To use ZEUS Service Manual Ver.2 with network, the file-path names written on the source files of each ZEUS Engine Program Ver.2 and ZEUS Service Manual Ver.2 are to be modified.
Perform the procedure described below.
1. Run the program file zuesFPch.exe to install the program file for File-Path to the Local PC.  -> Download zeusFPch_setup.zip (2.3MB)
2. Run the program file ZeusSetup_v2.0.exe to install the ZEUS Engine Program in C:\Program Files\zeus of the local PC. This can be done by running the installer program provided.
3. Create the appropriate folder where the ZEUS Engine Program Ver.2 and the ZEUS Service Manual Ver.2 to be stored in the server.
4. Move the ZEUS Engine Program of step 2 to the folder created at step 3 in the Server.
5. Detach the ZEUS Service Manual Ver.2 to the folder created at step 3 in the Server.
6. Unzip the ZEUS Service Manual Ver.2 within the folder in the Server. 
Example of folder:
Procedure of File-Path
The zeusFPch is the exclusive program to exchange the file-path names written in both source files of ZEUS Manual and ZEUS Engine program into those applicable to the network use.
Whenever changing the file-path of both ZEUS Engine Program and ZEUS Service Manual to use with network, pay the attention to set the "Exchange to" column that should have a proper relation between ZEUS Engine Program and ZEUS Service Manual with referring the following.
1. Run the zeusFPch and set "Exchange to" by referring to the examples below.
Example 1 :
In the "Exchange to" column shows the relation between ZEUS Service Manual and ZEUS Engine Program.
../ counts the relation between.
Thus in this case, it must be ../../zeus/ (2 counts).
Example 2 :
In this case, it must be ../../../zeus/ (3 counts).
2. Run the zeusFPch to change the path in the ZEUS Engine Program Ver.2.
3. Set ZEUS Engine Program in the created folder in the server to the "Target Folder", and then press "START"
(This procedure is one time only)
4. Run the ZeusFPch to change the path in the ZEUS Service Manual Ver2.
5. Set unzipped ZEUS Service Manual in the created folder in the server to the "Target Folder", and then press "START".  (This procedure is required whenever placing service manual.)
Confirm that service manual on the server can be operated normally by client PC.
Note: In case of accessing the ZEUS Manual through WEB site, the small pop-up window appears at the left bottom corner on the screen whenever searching the location links. This is not malfunction.
A Known Malfunction
Autodesk® DWF™ Viewer version  (Free software provided through WEB)
Use Autodesk DWF Viewer ver. 6.0.
Through WEB, ver. 6.5 has been released but with it, the linking function in this manual may not work properly.
If ver. 6.5 has been installed, uninstall it and reinstall ver. 6.0.
To get ver. 6.0, click the icon, or contact to the nearest Toshiba Service Centre for further assistance.
Freezing windows opened  (Cannot close the open windows)
This may happen occasionally.  In case of encountering this, follow the procedure below.
1. Press [Ctrl], [Alt] and [Delete] keys at the same time to engage windows security windows.
2. Then, choose TASK manager and Application tab, and select TOSHIBA SERVICE MANUAL-Microsoft Internet Explorer.
3. Click TASK-end.
Main Window back forwarded
The real cause has not been found yet but with this condition, nothing disturbs the service manual operation.  Continue to use by operating the windows.
Precaution when opening the diagrams
While opening the diagrams, the menu in the left frame changes its color to GRAY. This is an indication that the viewer is processing.
With this condition, the menu indication color may stick to the GRAY color or Windows may freeze if clicking other menu.
To avoid such things, do not operate any others while menu turns GRAY color.
If entering this, re-open the service manual or refresh the left frame.

Audio amplifier schematic
[In the event that the screen is damaged or the liquid crystal (fluid) leaks, do not breathe in or drink this fluid.  Also, never touch this fluid. Such actions could cause toxicity or skin irritation. If this fluid should enter the mouth, rinse the mouth thoroughly with water. If the fluid should contact the skin or clothing, wipe off with alcohol, etc., and rinse thoroughly with water. If the fluid should enter the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes thoroughly with running water]
                                                           To see the SMPS circuit diagram, visit the previous post here

Hbuster HBTV 42L07FD – SMPS schematic

Used ICs: SCC9502S, L6562D, STRA6059H
Click on the pictures to magnify

How to enter service mode to CTV sets using TDA9351 and TDA8370 syscon-chroma IC – adjustments – IC pin voltages

NXP TDA8370, TDA9351, TDA9353, TDA9361, TDA9363-XXX SERIES - service mode, adjustments, default data values, IC pin voltages, Circuit diagram and more....
This TV kit uses memory IC. In the memory IC are memorized data for correctly operating the video and deflection circuits.
When replacing memory IC, be sure to use IC written with the initial value of data.

(1) Power off
Switch the power off and unplug the power cord from AC outlet.
(2) Replace IC
Be sure to use memory IC written with the initial data values.
(3) Power On
Plug the power cord into the AC outlet and switch the power On.
(4) Check and set system default value:
1) Press “MENU” key followed by digits '6''4''8' and '3'. Then Press “TEST” key on the Remote control unit for factory used.
2) The red “M”or”factory” will be displayed on the screen, repeat this and it will changed as follow:
Normal-M(factory)-BUS open-normal..
3) Press digital key, (Mkey) and corresponding on-screen display will be appeared.
4) Check the setting value of the SYSTEM default value of Table below. If the value is different,
select items by [CH+]/[CH-] keys and set value by [VOL+]/[VOL-] keys.
5) Press “STANDBY” key again and return to the normal screen.
1. Receive normal colour bar signal.
2. Connect DC voltmeter to VD524- and isolated ground.
3. Adjust potentiometer in power unit to get the voltage as 110V ±1.0V for 21 inch hereinafter,
1. Receive a crosshatch signal.
2. While watching the screen, adjust the FOCUS VR to make the vertical and horizontal lines as fine and
sharp as possible.
TDA9351/9353:to enter BUS control mode, Press “MENU” key followed by digits '6''4''8' and '3'. Then press digit Press “0” to “9“ key, (Mkey) and corresponding on-screen display will be appeared.
TDA8370: To enter BUS control mode, Press “MENU” key followed by digits '6''4''8' and '3'. then Press “TEST” key on the Remote control unit twice for factory used(or press digits '6''4''8' and '3' twice.). and then press digit Press “0” to “9“ key, (Mkey) and corresponding on-screen display will be appeared.
On TV screen “TEST” will be indicated, this means entered bus control mode.
And press following key, each function will be available.
Geometrical adjustment
MENU8 (9351)/servise 1(8370)
Receive PAL standard Complete pattern signal.
Adjustment steps
a) Adjust V. SLOPE, to the center horizontal line just appeare from half bottom shadow.
b) Adjust V. SIZE, to get 90% of vertical picture contents would be displayed on CRT.
c) Adjust V. SHIFT, the center horizontal line correspond to CRT vertical center.
d) Adjust H.SHIFT, to get the picture horizontal center correspond to CRT horizontal center.
Receive NTSC signal and repeat above
AGC Adjustment.
MENU7 (9351) / servise 2(8370)
Receive 60dBμ(1mV)VH colour bar pattern signal
adjust AGC valuevoltage from high to low to reduce noise gradually and just disappeared point.
CRTcut off and white balance adjustment.
MENU9 (9351)/B W BALANCE(8370)
Receive white signal.
a) CRT cut off adjustment.
1. Select “SC”, then automatically vertical scan will be stopped.
2. Adjust SCREEN control on Flyback transformer to get the darkest single horizontal line (red,green, or blue, sometimes shows more yellow, more purple or more white).
b) White balance adjustment.
1. Select RD/BD menu.
2. Adjust RD/BD to get colour temperature as x=281, y=311
c) Sub-Brightness adjustment. (Use stair case signal)
1. Select SB menu.
2. Adjust SB to get the darkest step being cutoff.
Default data values
IC Pin voltages
Circuit diagram / Schematic 

The function of pin 20, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35 and 44 is dependent on the IC version (mono inter-carrier FM demodulator/QSS IF amplifier and East-West output or not) and on some software control bits. 
The vertical guard function can be controlled via pin 49 or pin 50. the selection is made by means of the IVG bit in sub address 2BH.
When additional (external) selectivity is required for FM-PLL system pin 32 can be used as sound IF input.
This function is selected by means of SIF bit in sub address 28H.
The reference output signal is only available for the CMB1/CMB0 setting of 0/1. for the other settings this pin is a switch output.

Akira 14BM18 CTV – how to enter service mode, circuit diagram - TDA-935X - STR-G5653

Used ICs: TDA7056B, TDA8356, AT24C08, BSC60H2(FBT), STR-G5653(SMPS control)
Many electrical and mechanical components in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. Components which have these special safety characteristics in this manual and its supplements are identified by the international hazard symbols or UL, FCC, FDA or VDE marking on the circuit diagram and parts list. When replacing any of these components, substitute the one which has the same safety characteristics.
Difference between STR-G5653 and STR-F6654
a. Different size: STR- F6654 is larger
b. Different pin functions
c. Different electric characteristics: Larger power output, switching current, avalanche-rated and internal allowable power consumption for STR-F6654
d. internal allowable power consumption for STR-F6654.
Switch-mode Power Supply STR- G5653/F6654
The Series STR-G5653/F6654 is specifically designed to satisfy the requirements for increased integration and reliability in off-line quasi-resonant fly-back converters. The series incorporates a high-precise error amplifying control and drive circuit with discrete avalanche-rated power MOSFET,
featuring fewer external components, small-size and standard power supply.
Covering the power range from below 25 watts up to 300 watts for 100/115/230 VAC inputs, and up to 150 watts for 85 to 265 VAC universal input, these devices can be used in a range of applications, from battery chargers and set top boxes, to televisions, monitors, and industrial power supply units.  Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, under-voltage lockout with hysteresis, over-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown protects the power supply during the normal overload and fault conditions.
Low-current startup and a low-power standby mode selected from the secondary circuit completes a comprehensive suite of features. The series is provided in a five-pin over-molded SIP style package, affording dielectric isolation without compromising thermal characteristics.
Fly-back Operation with Quasi-Resonant Soft Switching for Low Power Dissipation and EMI Rugged Avalanche-Rated MOSFET
Soft drive circuit MOSFET
Adjustable MOSFET switching speed
Choice of MOSFET Voltage and rDS(on)
Full Over-Current Protection (no blanking)
Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis
Over-Voltage Protection
Direct Voltage Feedback
Low Start-up Current (100 Amax)
Low-Frequency, Low-Power Standby Operation
Over molded 5-Pin Package
SMPS schematic (STR-G5653)
EEPROM AT24C08: Features
Data EEPROM internally organized as 1024/2048 bytes and 64/128 pages×16 bytes
Page protection mode, flexible page-by-page hardware write protection
Additional protection EEPROM of 64/128 bits, bit per data page
1-Protection setting for each data page by writing its protection bit
Protection management without switching WP pin Low power CMOS
Vcc=2.7 to 5.5V operation.
Two wire serial interface bus, I2C-Bus compatible Filtered inputs for noise suppression with Schmitt trigger
Clock frequency up to 400 kHz
High programming flexibility
Internal programming voltage.
Self timed programming cycle including erase
Byte-write and page-write programming, between 1 and 16 bytes
Typical programming time 6ms(<10ms) for up to 16 bytes
High reliability
Endurance 106 cycles1)
Data retention 40 years1)
ESD protection 4000 V on all pins
8 pin DIP/DSO packages.
DC-coupled vertical deflection circuit TDA8356
Few external components
Highly efficient fully DC-coupled vertical output bridge circuit
Vertical flyback switch
Guard circuit
Protection against:
Short-circuit of the output pins (7 and 4)
Short-circuit of the output pins to VP.
Temperature protection
High EMC immunity because of common mode inputs
A guard signal in zoom mode.
General Description
The TDA8356 is a power circuit for use in 90, and 110, colour deflection systems for field frequencies of 50 to 120 Hz. The circuit provides a DC driven vertical deflection output circuit, operating as a highly efficient class G system.
14BM18 uses mainly Philips’ advanced UOC-ultimate chip TDA935X/6X/8X and I2C-bus controlled IC. With combination of microcontroller and small signal processor, the TDA935X/6X/8X series feature high-integration, high-performance-to-price ratio and high-reliability and advanced functions with fewer external components, which provide much convenience for manufacturing and technical service.
Microcontroller and small signal processor TDA935X/6X/8X
The super chips TDA935X/6X/8X are good in pins compatibility. Differences among them are shown as follows.
TDA9387 32K NTSC
TDA935X/6X/8X PS/N2 series TV signal processor-Teletext decoder with embedded Controller
General Description
The various versions of theTDA935X/6X/8X PS/N2 series combine the functions of a TV signal processor together with a ¬-Controller and US Closed Caption decoder. Most versions have a Teletext decoder on board. 
The Teletext decoder has an internal RAM memory for 1or 10 page text.
The ICs are intended to be used in economy television receivers with 90 and 110 picture tubes.
The ICs have supply voltages of 8 V and 3.3 V and they are mounted in S-DIP envelope with 64 pins.
Schematic (Full)
Click on the pictures to magnify
5W Mono BTL Audio Amplifier with DC Volume Control TDA7056B
The TDA7056B is a mono Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) output amplifier with DC volume control.
It is designed for use in TV and monitors, but is also suitable for battery-fed portable recorders and radios.  The device is contained in a 9-pin medium power package.
A Missing Current Limiter (MCL) is built in. The MCL circuit is activated when the difference in current between the output terminal of each amplifier exceeds 100 mA (300 mA type). This level of 100 mA allows for headphone applications (single-ended).
DC volume control
Few external components
Mute mode
Thermal protection
Short-circuit proof
No switch-on and switch-off clicks
Good overall stability
Low power consumption
Low HF radiation
ESD protected on all pins.
To enter the USER SERVICE mode:
Caution: The user service mode adjustment can be changed only when service personnel adjust the whole set data during servicing. As the control data have dramatic effects on functions and performance of the TV, service personnel should not tell user how to enter the SERVICE mode to avoid improper data settings.
Set the volume to 0. Then press and hold the MUTE button on the remote control, and press the MENU button on the TV to enter the SERVICE mode.
(In this case, the S mode cannot be stored in the EEPROM. To exit from the S mode, turn off the TV set. )
After entering the S mode, Red S is displayed on the upper center of the screen and MENU1 is default. 
Use the POS+/- buttons to highlight an adjustment and the VOL+/- buttons to adjust it. 
The adjusted data are immediately output and stored in the EEPROM.
With remote control system software TDA935X, all options can be set in the SERVICE mode and stored in EEPROM. Data related to picture, sound and geometric adjustment are also stored in EEPROM
Supply Voltage Adjustment
Caution: +B voltage has close relation to high voltage. To prevent X-ray radiation, set +B voltage to the rated voltage.
Make sure that the supply voltage is within the range of the rated value.
Connect a digital voltmeter to the +B voltage output terminal of the TV set. Power on the TV and set the brightness and sub-brightness to minimum.
Regulate voltage adjustment components on the power PCB to make the voltmeter read 115±1V.

AOC LC32R03 and AOC LC42R03 LCD TV SMPS circuit diagram

AOC LC32R03 - 715G3811P01H20003H, AOC LC32R03 - 715G4088P01W30003H, AOC LC32R03 - 715G3770P02W20003S, AOC LC42R03F and FC - 715G3760P01W20003M
715G3811P01H20003H - 715G3770P02W20003S - 715G3760P01W20003M Power board schematic
Click on the schematics to magnify

Hi-Power stereo amplifier circuit diagram and descriptions using MJL21194, MJL21193 power transistors

ALESIS MATICA 500/900 A4/A8 - MJL21194, MJL21193
The A4/A8 amplifiers are basic stereo amplifiers. They have 0dBm input sensitivities for rated output at 4:, with the ability to drive any load impedance from 2: to an open circuit. They have balanced inputs via Neutrik combination connectors providing XLR and 1/4" TRS connections and also a barrier strip. The output of the amplifier is obtained by way of four five way binding posts. Reference designations in the text refer specifically to the A4 amplifier except where otherwise noted. Though reference designations between the two units are different, the designs are virtually identical. The only significant differences occur in the output section (since the A8 is required to handle much more power than the A4).
Here are some of the major features and building blocks of the Matica
* An input balanced to unbalanced converter.
* A second stage pre-amp and an amplifier gain stage utilizing a monolithic front end with discrete complimentary transconductance stage and a complimentary output stage in a common collector configuration.
* Output device protection is accomplished with a conventional volt-amp current limiter circuit.  The output devices use a new perforated emitter technology unique to MOTOROLA. The output devices are driven by similar technology devices, but they have been optimized for extremely linear current gain with a unity gain bandwidth (Ft) of 50 MHz.
* The speakers are protected by output relays. They are activated during the first 3 to 5 seconds the amplifier is turned on. Also, if a DC condition exists at the output of the amplifier or the amplifier is driven to full output below 5Hz the relays will be activated.
* Thermal management and protection are accomplished with a large heavy aluminum extruded heat sink the is fan cooled. If the sink gets warmer than 55 deg. C, the fan is automatically stepped up in speed and if the heat sink gets warmer than 80 deg. C the fan is run at high speed and the output relays are activated to disconnect the load until the unit has cooled to 65 deg. C. There is also a unique feature of the amplifier fan circuit in that when the amplifier is providing an output signal of a little more that a watt the fan speed is modulated or increased by the signal. This will help get longer run times with the amplifier under extreme load conditions.
Input Section
The input stage is made up of a dual Signetics 5532A op amp. This is a low noise selected version of the 5532. One half of the dual is used for each channel. The circuit is a basic balanced to unbalanced converter. It can be driven unbalanced but 6dB differences in gain may result for various hookups. If the (+) input is driven with the (-) input grounded the gain will be unity. If the (+) input is driven with the (-) input left open there will be a gain reduction of 6dB.
This is not recommended as a noisier condition may result. If the (-) input is driven, gain will be unity and will not change with the grounding or ungrounding the (+) input The maximum input level before clipping in about +21dBm. Since there is no level control in front of the converter this is the maximum input level for the amplifier. Connections to the Alink connector are between R1, R2 and R3, R4. These are provided so an outboard impedance may be connected to modify the gain and overload characteristics as well as its frequency response. Following the amplifier is a passive low pass (R7, C1) filter that begins to limit the high frequency gain of the amplifier.
Pre-Amp Section
The pre-amp section also uses the Signetics 5532A op amp. The circuits of the pre-amp are of opposing signal polarity to provide push pull characteristics and are connected via the stereo/bridge switch. Each of the two pre-amp channels has 15.7 dB of gain but channel A is inverting and channel B is not.
Since the main amplifier is inverting, channel A will not invert the signal and channel B will. Doing this facilitates two things. When the stereo/bridge switch is in the bridge mode channel B will already be out of phase with A so no signal inversion will have to be done to achieve bridge operation. Also by operating B out of phase all the time, (even in stereo operation) getting the phase of the signal flipped back at the speaker terminals, the amplifiers low frequency power bandwidth will be increased. This allows the power supply to be utilized more efficiently.
This section also shapes the bandwidth of the amplifier further via another low pass pole being added to each stage. First and second stage high pass filtering occurs via the 100uf coupling capacitors preceding the volume pots and after the pre-amp stages. The pre-amp stages drive the main amplifier directly.
ALINK connections at the junction between R8, C2 and R13, C5 are for sending the output signal of the input stage at a low impedance for use with auxiliary equipment. The connection between R9, R10 and R14, R17 are to be used to for defeating the level controls by supplying an input signal from a very low source impedance to swamp out the signal from the pots.
Main Amplifier Section
The main amplifier is composed of four sections
> The monolithic front end.
> A complimentary voltage gain stage or transconductance stage
> The output driver
> The output stage
The amplifier is configured in the inverting mode. This allows for the inputs of the op amp to remain at a 0 voltage potential and ease operation on a +/- 15 volt supply. The large voltage swing is accomplished with a discrete, complimentary darlington connected transconductance stage Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. The current in the transconductance stage is set by the voltage divider network made up of R19, R20, R21, and R22. The first transistor in the darlington is a TO-92 packaged device with the current set by R27, and R28. The collector of this transistor is not tied to the second collector in the darlington connection but rather to the +/-15 volt supply to help increase the bandwidth of the stage and reduce the dissipation in the TO-92 devices. The closed loop gain of the amplifier has been set for 10X or 20dB. The DC output offset is a function of the input offset voltage error of the op amp times the gain of the system. With the offset error of the op amp at about +/- 1mv the amplifier will have less than +/- 10mv of output offset. The feedback network is composed of R25, R18, and C11. C11 reduces the bandwidth of the amplifier. The large low frequency gain of the op amp helps to reduce the supply ripple that is introduced into the system by the lack of supply rejection in the voltage gain stage. Under driven conditions at mild loads of 4 or 8: at mid and high frequencies, the output of the op amp will appear not to have any signal or very little signal on it. When the amplifier is clipped, or driven to its rail, the output of the op amp will be driven to its rail, or about +/- 14 volts. It is trying to correct the loop error or non linearity of clipping in the amplifier. The only other time the output of the op amp will become a large signal is at a 2: condition at lower frequencies. This is due to the loss of loop gain when the transconductance stage is required to deliver large amounts of current to the output stage drivers. CR1 and CR2 are connected as clamps to the discrete darlingtons (causing the transconductance stage not to saturate, which reduces the possibility of saturation in the gain stage).
The drivers and output devices are mounted on the large extruded aluminum heat sink.
The drivers have extremely linear gain with changes in current. They also have an Ft of 50mHz keeping the gain linear with frequency. The output devices are 16 amp, 250 volt, 200 watt devices. These are very strong devices. The output stage is configured in a common collector, or emitter follower configuration. The drivers are connected again in a discrete complimentary darlington configuration. This allows for a class A bias and protection scheme that offers very close bias tracking and simple current limiting. Also there are 1.2: resistors in the bases of all the output devices. This helps linearize the gain with frequency and reduce high current parasitics. When the output stage is biased properly, the DC voltage drop across the emitter resistors should by 2-3mv cold and may rise to as much as 6-10mv when hot. Finally the output of the amplifier is de coupled from the load with a traditional termination network. This network isolates the amplifier and feedback loop from loads at high frequencies, especially capacitive ones. This is how unconditional loop stability is achieved. Under bench test conditions it is recommended that the amplifier not be driven to full power at 20kHz and above for periods longer than a few minutes as this will cause R53 to over heat. Under music conditions there is never enough energy to have this be a problem.
Click on the pictures to zoom in
Power amplifier [8 power transistors at output stage] - Schematic
Cooling fan regulator schematic
Output Device Protection
Output device protection is accomplished with a relatively simple circuit. The protection circuit is broken up into Q17 that protects the NPN output devices and Q18 that protects the PNP output devices. These devices are complimentary as are the output devices but they also have similar Vbe N to P. This allows selection of a point of protection that will be about equal for each half of the output stage. R55 and R56 sense the voltage at the emitter of two of the output devices and sum them. The emitter of Q17 is connected to the output of the amplifier. When a voltage across the emitter resistors of the output devices reaches about 0.7 volts, Q17 will conduct if there is no voltage across R54. This condition exists for a short circuit or something very close. As the amplifier impresses a voltage across a load it also has that same voltage across R54. As the voltage across R54 gets larger more current must flow through the emitter resistors of the output devices to cause enough voltage to be developed at the base of the protection device to turn it on. This is what is known as the load line. As the voltage across the output devices gets lower they can deliver more current in keeping with a constant power. When the protection device is conducting the current from the transconductance stage is essentially being diverted around the output stage to the load. Everything described for the positive half cycle is the same for the negative half. C18 and C19 slow down the protection device and keep it from any possible oscillation condition. CR3 and CR4 are used to protect possible reverse Vbe conduction of the protection devices and CR4 and CR5 prevent conduction of the protection devices while in the opposite half cycle.
Power amplifier [12 power transistors at output stage] schematic
Cooling fan regulator schematic
Bias Circuit
The bias circuit is more that just a single device Vbe multiplier seen in many audio amplifiers. The circuit consists of an active shunt regulator. The reason for this is two fold. The shunt regulator has a much lower impedance than the single device regulator. This helps control the bias voltage better when there is a change in the quiescent operating current of the transconductance stage. Since the operating, or quiescent current of the transconductance stage is supply dependent, the need for a bias circuit that doesn't change voltage with current is imperative. Also by reducing the current through the bias sense transistor a larger change in Vbe with temperature can be realized. This tracks the needs of the output stage better. The 5k pot in the bias circuit adjusts the potential of the regulator. A 1.5k resistor (R55) sets the current through the bias sense transistor (Q18) making the current in the sense transistor relatively constant. Q17 is the pass transistor of the regulator. Note that any time the output transistors are replaced, the pass and bias transistors must also be replaced. Failure to do so will probably result in the output transistors failing again.
Speaker Protection
There are two sections to the speaker protection circuit. A section made up of a quad comparator with a low pass filter before it and a discrete bipolar transistor circuit that controls the two speaker relays. The transistor circuit and +15 volt three terminal regulator make up the power up delay circuit and "instant off" power down circuit. When the unit is turned on the 15 volt regulator supplies power to the discrete circuit. Q24 controls the speaker relays and is held off during power up by Q23. During power up C24 is not charged and must be charged before Q23 will turn off. This delays the turn on of the output relays to protect against any transients that may occur at power up. Once on, there are four ways the relays can be opened again.
* The first is if the heat sink gets to 80 deg. C. then TH1 will open and release the relays.
** Second is by shut down of the amplifier. Upon the removal of AC to the amplifier, the three terminal regulator will fall out of regulation that forces Q21 on because C23 acts like a battery and momentarily turns on Q21. This pulse will cause Q22 to dump the charge on C24, turning on Q23.
*** The third way is if the line voltage get low (about 90 volts in the 120v unit). At this time the regulator will fall out of regulation and the first pulse from the 50 or 60 Hz that gets through the regulator will cause C24 to be dumped again and the 3-5 second charge time will occur again.
**** The fourth way is to have the circuit be triggered by the comparator circuit.
The comparator is DC coupled to the output of the amplifier before the speaker relays.
They are set up with each one of their inputs tied to a +/- 1.2v reference derived from CR7, CR8,CR9, and CR10. The low pass filter is comprised of R64, R65, R66, R67, C21, and C22. When the output of the amplifier is driven to full output at or below 5Hz, or 1.2v of DC offset appears at the output of the amplifier, it will trigger one of the comparators which in turn opens the output relays. When this happens the same 3 to 5 second period must occur before the relays will engage again. If the fault condition persists then the relays will remain open.
The 18 volt AC winding which runs this circuit is rectified by a half wave rectifier. This is allows one side of the winding to be grounded. The 18 volt winding is also provided at the Alink connector to facilitate generation a +/- 15 volt supply to run auxiliary accessories requiring phantom power.
Fan Speed Control
The fan circuit has three modes of operation in which it varies the speed of the fan depending on demand or condition. At power up of the amplifier Q25 and Q26 will be saturated until the relay circuit enables the speaker relays. This condition lasts for 3 to 5 seconds. During this time Q27 is also saturated. This forces the fan to run at an elevated speed momentarily.
After this time only R85 will be delivering current to the fan. The fan will be running at a very slow speed. The reason for the accelerated speed of the fan at turn on is that the current delivered by R85 may not be sufficient to start the fan, especially at low power line levels.
Signals from both channels are detected by Q25 and Q26 as the amplifier is driven harder. They act as rectifiers of the signal, and when they conduct the 40: resistor connected to Q27 delivers more current to the fan motor, causing the fan speed to increase with the drive of the amplifier.  The fan motor itself acts as a flywheel or filter to smooth the modulation and the speed of the fan is proportional to the average of the drive to the amplifier. If the heat sink gets hotter than 55 deg.C. then an additional 20: resistor is switched in to deliver more current to the fan. The fan speed will still be modulated by the drive to the amplifier. If the heat sink gets hot enough to trip the 80deg. C. breaker, then the relay circuit will disconnect the load and also turn on Q25 and Q26. This will increase the fan to its highest speed and cool the amplifier. Upon cooling below 65deg. C. the amplifier will resume normal operation.
The following chart is intended to help point a technician in the right direction.
Unfortunately there isn't space to provide an absolutely comprehensive list, however this should help with some of the more common solutions.
Thermal Management System
The large extruded aluminum heat sink in the center of the chassis is the heart of the amplifiers heat dissipation scheme. It is a forced air cooling system. In the A8 the heat sink has a thermal resistance of .075 deg. C. per watt when the fan is at full speed. This is equal to about 800 watts of heat. The air from the fan is forced into the center of the side of the heat sink with fins and the air flows around the sink and out over the amplifier circuitry. It has an air intake at the front of the amplifier and exhaust at the left rear. As explained in the fan speed control section, the speed of the fan is determined by the demands on the amplifier. If for some reason the fan should stop but not fail there is enough dissipation in the main heat sink as well as the four TO-220 stand up heat sinks on the PCB to allow operation indefinitely while at a quiescent condition.
Stripped Heat Sinks
occasionally when tightening down the heat sink clamps one of the screws will strip the threads out of the heat sink itself. Because heat sink is a rather expensive and bulky item, a way was found to reuse stripped heat sinks. Use a long (at least 1 1/4") machine screw from the clamp side, and a threaded hex standoff inserted into the heat sink fin side. Do not use just a hex nut, as it will probably not be able to hold the clamp pressure any more then the heat sink did.

SCHNEIDER 30M901-LCD Monitor TV – LCD26S series – alignment procedure – how to enter service mode

Alignment Procedure
The panel in this model is LG PHILIPS 30’ LC300W01 A3P6, whose max-luminance is at 450 cd/m2. Analog parts adopt VCT3834A with Teletext function, inner multi-system Comb-filter, MCU and TCU for Teletext, extra 4M Flash EEPROM and 4M SRAM Teletext EEPROM. IF Amplifier adopts 
TDA9886T Multi-system PLL IC, MSP3411G for Nicam, and FS European Frequency which supports PAL DK BG I, SECAM BG/DK, SECAM L system.

Digital parts adopts
SAGE Project, Scaller chip which supports VGA/DVI input in main chassis part. 
TV input channel adopts 
AD9883A+FLi2200 to support A/D switches and De-interlace Progressive processing. Scalar output adopts
 LVDS switch IC SN75LVDS83, which will switch LVDS to PANEL CN1 Socket.
INVERTER comprises by two groups +24V power suppliers and signal switching controller.
1. Adjustment of Analog Chassis Parts
In 30 inch LCD TV, Analog Chassis Parts are comprised of three main boards:
A. Main-signal Processing Board, which is including Video, Audio, Code, and Teletext process of sub-signal, Board named: 40-3026WS-MA* (* =A. B. C. D. …..)
B. IF Amplifier Board, named: 40-LS3026-TU* (* =A. B. C. D. …..)
C. Power Amplifier Board, named: 40-3026WS-AM* (* =A. B. C. D. …..)

Checking of IF Amplifier Board
1) Connecting IF Amplifier Board (without shield cover) to P602 in Switching Board via VGA;
2) Switching on the Displayer, + 3V red light will be on in RC receiving board. Press “Standby” in RC, the red light will be off. Applying Factory Signal to see whether the sound, Nicam, and searching channel are OK;
3) Pressing“i”key in RC to enter into User Menu, pressing pin“6”“4”“0”“5”keys to Factory Menu (service mode) , and select AGC Menu. Setting switching mode to NORMAL, AGC to 14, pressing “EXIT” to exit.
4) Switching off the Displayer. Taking out IF Amplifier, and soldering shield cover.
Checking of Analog Main Board
1)Inserting P1, P2, P14 in Digital Board to P1001, P1002 and P5540 in Analog Board
2) Connecting Computer to S5504 via COM connector, turning off the reset switch in the connector
3) A. Setting PC mode in Digital Board;
B. Switching on the unit with RC;
C. After Screen is on, running FLASH PROGRAM for 2 seconds in Computer Communication Program;
D. Turning on the reset switch in the connector, then carrying out the program to burn
4) After burned, please take out the S5504 connector
5) Switching off Reset power on with RC, pressing “0” key and “OK” key to enter TV mode, the Noise Signal will be displayed, press “i” in RC to enter into User Menu, and setting OSD
to ENGLISH or other languages
6) Making an elementary setting in PICTURE menu:
Brightness ---- 50, Contrast ---- 70, Color ---- 40, Tint ----10
7) Pressing “OK” to save and “exit”;
8) Pressing “i” and “CH-” to select and “CH+” to enter into PROGRAM menu, pressing “CH-”to select “SEARCH >”, and pressing “VOL +” to searching channels. Press EXIT to exit when finished
9) Checking all channels to see whether the sound and picture are OK or not. Signal should be switched after applying SCART signal. Input and output function should be checked in SCART 1 & SCART 2. There is not output function in SCART 3. (“0” key in RC to open menu, “V” key to OK)
Digital Board, turning on the main power switch to electrify CPU (3.3V) in Digital Board;
3) A. Switching on the Unit using RC;
B. Electrifying Analog Board with 12V, +5V to IC JACASM in Digital Board simultaneously;
C. After several seconds, sound and picture will be OK. (TV mode is in normal mode without SCART Signal)
4) Applying TV signal (Gray Scale and Color Bar Signal), pressing “0”, “6”, “4”, “0”, “5” in RC, the AD9883 menu will be displayed, please setting the data as following:
R 97
G 98
B 98
BRIG 183
CON 50
Pressing“EXIT” to exit
5) 1 Applying VGA signal, press “0” in RC to choose PC mode and pressing “OK” to confirm. Switching to VGA mode and selecting VGA to Gray 16 Scales.
2 Pressing “0”, “6”, “4”, “0”, “5” in RC to enter into Factory Mode, setting the data as below:
R 93
G 103
B 98
BRIG 183
CON 50
Adjustment of Digital Board
1) A. Inserting P1 (8pins) in Digital Board to P1001 in Analog Main Board;
B. Connecting P14 in Digital Board to P5540 in Analog Main Board via 10Pins Line;
C. Connecting P24 in Digital Board to P1004 in Analog Main Board via line;
D. Inserting INVERTER switch Plug to P7 (Pin 3-5);
E. Connecting P2 in Digital Board to P1002 in Analog Main Board via line;
2) Inserting DC Plug in Extra Power Supplier to P18 in 
Pressing“EXIT” to exit;
3 Pressing “i” in RC to enter into the User menu to setting the following items when applying VGA signal:
Pressing “OK” to save and“EXIT” to exit;
* Note: Best Resolution: 1024X768 60Hz mode.
6) DVI checking
1 Inserting DVI plug into P10 in Digital Board;
2 Pressing “0” in RC to enter into signal menu, pressing “CH+/CH-” to choose “DVI” and “OK” to enter into DVI mode
3 Applying the kinds of testing signal, whether they all can be identified and the output are normal in DVI signal sources;
4 Entering into main signal menu and setting into the “TV” mode;
5 Taking out DVI plug and shutting off AC power supply.
Adjustment of Complete LCD TV
 Adjustment of AGC
1 Power on the Unit and applying the TV signal sources.
TV signal sources setting as below
System: PAL B/G
Signal: Full color bar
Intension: 65dB;
2 Pressing “i” key in RC to enter into User Menu, pressing pin “6”“4”“0”“5” keys to Factory Menu, pressing “<<” key to select item, “V+& V-” to adjust the data.
Setting AGC data to 14 to obtain the Noise of Screen Signal is at minimum.
3 Setting BURN IN at On
( Analog Board is on when no signal, Normal User mode is OFF)
LCD TV TCL Ver. 1.22B/13/10/2003 (Update irregularly)
Auto Format 4:3
Tuner AGC 14
Transparent OSD 66
Burn-in Mode ON
Min.volume.1% 10
Sound curve.10% 64
Sound curve.20% 86
Sound curve.40% 105
Sound curve.80% 121
Sound curve.100% 127
4 Pressing“EXIT” to exit.
Adjustment of White Balance in VGA mode
1 Applying VGA signal, 1024 X 768 60Hz, switching signal source to PC mode,
2 Choosing White Signal, using Color Temperature Instrument or White Balance
Instrument to test the color coordinate.
3 Pressing“0”, “6”, “4”, “0”, “5” key in RC to enter into Factory Mode, pressing “CH+,
CH-” to select item, “V+, V-” to adjust R、 G、 B data to obtain x=284+5,
4 7000K X=305+15, Y==320+15 (no use now)
5 7500K X=299+15, Y==315+15 (no use now)
AUTO Adjustment of User Setting in VGA mode
1 Applying Square Signal, pressing “i” key in RC to enter into User Menu.
2 Pressing “CH+, CH-” to select “AUTO” item, and “V+” to active the auto adjustment then screen will be dark instantly. If finished, screen will be OK automatically.
3 If auto adjustment lost or some disturb/noise in screen, please adjust PHASE by manual.
Applying signal modes:
640 X 480 (60, 72, 75, 85Hz)
720 X 400 (60, 70Hz)
800 X 600 (60, 75, 85Hz)
1024 X 768 (60, 75, 85Hz)
1280 X 1024 (60, 75, 85Hz)
To do the checking and auto adjustment separately when applying the kinds of signals, if no problem exists, it is unnecessary to adjust the data in EEPROM.
Adjustment of White Balance in TV mode.
1 Applying SCART White Signal, using White Balance Instrument to test.
2 Pressing “0”, “6”, “4”, “0”, “5” key in RC to enter into Factory Mode, pressing “CH+, CH-” to select item, “V+, V-” to adjust R G B data to obtain X=0.284,
Y=0.299, color temperature: 9300, Luminance> 400cd.
3 Pressing“EXIT” to exit.
Checking Complete LCD TV
1 Applying TV signal to check whether AGC can work normal.(40~100dB TV signal).
If AGC is abnormal, please do fine tuning.  (If overloading, lower AGC Value)
2 Applying SCART signal to check whether the input and output of SCART can work normal in R G B, Y/C, SCART, 16:9/4:3 mode.
3 Applying VGA signals to checking:
640 X 480 (60, 72, 75, 85Hz)
720 X 400 (60, 70Hz)
800 X 600 (60, 75, 85Hz)
1024 X 768 (60, 75, 85Hz)
1280 X 1024 (60, 75, 85Hz)
4 Checking PIP in TV Signal (VGA mode)
a. Pressing “0” to choose PC mode and“OK” to enter into VGA mode, applying VGA signal.
b. Pressing key in RC to active PIP function, pressing this key continuously to scale up the PIP picture and disappeared circularly , there are four scales.
c. Pressing “<< ” key to locate the PIP picture from Top-left, Top-right, Bottom-right, Bottom-left and center circularly.
d. Pressing key in RC to close the PIP when the picture is in largest scale.
e. Press Green Key in RC can switch the PIP signal source
5 Checking PIP in DVI mode
Pressing “0” to choose PC mode and“OK” to enter into DVI mode.
Repeat 4 to check PIP scale and location.
6 Safety Checking
a. AC 3000V; b. Resistance> 4MΩ
7 Default data setting:
Applying factory signal, setting the data to default when in best picture, best sound and so on.

Samsung UE40F8000SL LED smart TV, service mode, software update, troubleshooting and more

Applicable to Samsung UE40F8000SL, UE46F8000SL, UE55F8000SL. UE65F8000SL, and UE75F8000SL models
Smart Control

The Smart Touch Control makes it easier and more convenient to use the TV. For example, you can use the remote control's built-in touch-pad to move the focus and make selections as you would on a computer using a mouse. In addition, you can use the virtual control panel displayed on the screen to change channels, play media files, and access favorites.
Connecting to the TV
In order to operate the TV using a Smart Touch Control unit, you must first pair it to the TV via Bluetooth.
1. To turn on the TV, point the Smart Touch Control at the remote control receiver of the TV and press the TV button. The remote control receiver's location may vary depending on the model.
2. A Bluetooth icon will appear at the bottom left of the screen as shown below. The TV will then attempt to connect to the Smart Touch Control unit automatically.
Reconnecting the Smart Touch Control Unit
If you need to reestablish the connection between the TV and the Smart Touch Control unit, press the pairing button at the back of the Smart Touch Control unit.
Use the touch-pad to perform various commands. Navigate to Guide (System → Device Manager → Smart Touch Control Settings → Guide) to view an on-screen guide to using the Smart Touch Control
The pairing button can be accessed by removing the control unit's battery cover. Pressing the pairing button automatically reestablishes the connection between the control unit and the TV.
Drag on the touch-pad in the desired direction. Move the focus or the pointer in the direction the finger is dragging.
Tap on the touch-pad. This selects the focused item.
Flick on the touch-pad in the desired direction. This moves the focus or scrolls the screen based n the direction and speed of the flick.
Tapping and Holding
Tap and hold on the touch-pad for at least 3 seconds. This gives you access to hidden features included in certain applications.
Tapping and Dragging
Tap on the touch-pad, drag and release. This moves the selected web item in a webpage or your current location on a map.
Scrolling Up/Down
Scroll up/down the line on either the left or right edge of the touch-pad. This scrolls a webpage or a list up/down. This scrolling feature easily accommodates both right-handed and left-handed users.
Scrolling Left/Right
Scroll left/right on the line at the top or bottom edge of the touch-pad. This scrolls a horizontal webpage or the Smart Hub panel to the left/right.
Satellite System Guide
Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Channel Settings > Satellite System
A set of satellite dish settings must be configured for each wanted satellite before performing a channel scan.
Satellite System is available when Aerial is set to Satellite.
NOTE: The PIN input screen appears. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
Satellite Selection: You can choose the satellites for this TV.
LNB Power: Enables or disables the power supply for the LNB.
LNB Settings: Confgures the outdoor equipment.
Satellite: Selects the satellite for receiving digital broadcasts.
Transponder: Selects a transponder from the list or adds a new transponder.
DiSEqC Mode: Selects DiSEqC mode for the selected LNB.
Lower LNB Oscillators: Sets the LNB oscillators to a lower frequency.
Upper LNB Oscillators: Sets the LNB oscillators to a higher frequency.
Tone 22 kHz: Selects the Tone 22 kHz depending on the LNB type. For a universal LNB it should be Auto.
SatCR/Unicable Settings: Configure single cable installation.
NOTE: SatCR is short for satellite channel router.
This function may not support depending on the country.
SatCR/Unicable: Enables or disable single cable installation support.
Slot Number (Tuner 1), Slot Number (Tuner 2): Select the SatCR user slot number for this receiver.
Slot Frequency (Tuner 1), Slot Frequency (Tuner 2): Enter the appropriate frequency to receive the signal from SatCR.
Detect Slot Frequency: Auto-detect the signal frequency for the selected slot number.
Verify Slot Frequency: Verify that the frequency entered corresponds to the selected slot.
Positioner Settings: Confgures the aerial positioner.
Positioner: Enables or disables the positioned control.
Positioner Type: Sets the positioned type between DiSEqC 1.2 and USALS (Universal Satellite Automatic Location System).
* My Longitude: Sets the longitude for my location.
* My Latitude: Sets the latitude for my location.
* Satellite Longitude Settings: Sets the longitude of user defend satellites.
User Mode: Sets the position of satellite aerial according to each satellite.
If you store the current position of satellite aerial according to a certain satellite, when the signal of that satellite is needed, the satellite aerial can be moved to pre-populated position.
* Satellite: Selects the satellite to set the position for.
* Transponder: Selects a transponder from the list for signal reception.
* Moving Mode: Selects the movement mode between discrete and continuous movement.
* Step Size: Adjusts the step size degrees for the aerial rotation. Step Size is available when Moving Mode is set to Step.
* Go To Stored Position: Rotates the aerial to the stored satellite position.
* Aerial Position: Adjusts and stores the aerial position for the selected satellite.
* Store Current Position: Stores current position as the selected positioner limit.
Installer Mode: Sets limits to the scope of movement of satellite aerial or reset the position. Generally, installation guide uses this function.
* Limit Position: Selects the direction of the positioner Limit.
* Aerial Position: Adjusts and stores the aerial position for the selected satellite.
* Store Current Position: Stores the current position as the selected positioner Limit.
* Go to zero: Moves the aerial to the reference position.
* Reset positioner limit: Allows the aerial to rotate over the full arc.
Reset All Settings: All satellite settings will be reset to the initial values.
Scanning for Satellite Channels
Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Channel Settings > Manual Tuning Press Scan after setting the items below.
Selects the transponder.
 Scan Mode
Selects either free or all channels to store.
 Network Search
Enable / Disable network search.
 Signal Quality
Display the current status of broadcasting signal.
 Network Name
This displays the name of the network that is found.
NOTE: Information on a satellite and its transponder is subject to change depending on the broadcasting conditions.
 When setting is completed, move to Search. Channel scan is started.
Previous Check
1. Check the various cable connections frst.
* Check to see if there is a burnt or damaged cable.
* Check to see if there is a disconnected or loose cable connection.
* Check to see if the cables are connected according to the connection diagram.
2. Check the power input to the Main Board.
3. How to distinguish if the problem is caused by Main Board or T CON
* No Video
If the problem is No Video but BLU is on and Indication LED is blinking repeatedly and faster than normal booting, replace the T-CON board.
* Distorted Picture
Check the inner patterns.
How to check inner pattern.
1. Enter the service mode
Choose ‘SVC’ Check the ‘internal pattern.’
2. Enter ‘Service Mode.’
If you do not have Factory remote control:
Power OFF > INFO > MENU > MUTE >Power On
If you have Factory remote control:
INFO > Factory
3. Choose ‘SVC Test pattern’.
4. Check inner patterns.
How to Check Fault Symptom.  [NO Power and No Video]
Web Browser
1. Select Web Browser. The browsing screen may differ from the one on your computer.
2. The web browser is not compatible with Java applications.
3. You cannot download fles. If you attempt to download a fle, you will receive an error message instead.
4. The web browser may not be able to access certain websites.
5. Playing Flash videos may be restricted.
6. E-commerce for online purchases is not supported.
7. With websites that have scroll able windows, scrolling through such a window can result in corrupted characters.
8. ActiveX is not supported.
9. Certain options are not accessible in Link Browsing mode. (Switch to Pointer Browsing to activate this.)
10. Only a limited number of fonts are supported. Certain symbols and characters may not be displayed properly.
11. The response to remote commands and the resulting on-screen display may be delayed while a webpage is loading.
12. Loading a webpage may be delayed or suspended completely with certain operating systems.
13. The copy and paste operations are not supported.
14. When composing an email or a simple message, certain functions such as the font size and color selection may not be available.
15. There is a limit to the number of bookmarks and the size of the log fle that can be saved.
16. The number of windows that can be opened concurrently varies depending on the search conditions and the TV model.
17. The web browsing speed will vary depending on the network environment.
18. Playing embedded video automatically disables PIP. Video playback may not commence after PIP is disabled. In this case, you will have to reload the page.
19. The web browser supports .mp3 audio fles only.
20. The web browser supports a specifc fle format for importing and exporting bookmarks. (Compatible Format: Netscapebookmarkfle- 1)
21. The folder tree information is not included when importing and exporting bookmarks.
22. Exporting bookmarks to a USB device connected to the TV saves the bookmarks under a folder named "Samsung SmartTV Bookmark".
23. If Clock (System > Time > Clock) has not been enabled, the browsing history will not be saved.
24. The browsing history is saved in the order of latest to oldest, with the oldest entries being overwritten frst.
25. Depending on the types of video/audio codecs supported, it might not be possible to play back certain video and audio fles during Flash playback.
26. A sudden change in the picture brightness inside a video window may affect the brightness of the screen. This problem
applies to PDP TVs only.
27. Video sources from PC-optimized streaming service providers may not play properly on our proprietary web browser.
28. Using the on-screen QWERTY keyboard automatically disables PIP. (Except when entering a URL.)
Factory Mode Adjustments.  Detail Factory Option
NOTE: If you replace the main board with new one, please change the factory option as well.
The options you must change are "Type".
Service mode ]factory mode] display]
Method of Color Calibration (AV)
1. Apply the NTSC Lattice (N0. 3) pattern signal to the AV IN 1 port.
2. Press the Source key to switch to “AV1” mode.
3. Enter Service mode.
4. Select the “ADC” menu.
5. Select the “AV Calibration” menu.
6. In “AV Calibration Off” status, press the “► ” key to perform Calibration.
7. When Calibration is complete, it returns to the high-level menu.
8. You can see the change of the “AV Calibration” status from Failure to Success.
Method of Color Calibration (Component)
1. Apply the 720p Lattice (N0. 6) pattern signal to the Component IN 1 port.
2. Press the Source key to switch to “Component1” mode.
3. Enter Service mode.
4. Select the “ADC” menu.
5. Select the “Comp Calibration” menu.
6. In “Comp Calibration Off” status, press the “ ►” key to perform Calibration.
7. When Calibration is complete, it returns to the high-level menu.
8. You can see the change of the “Comp Calibration” status from Failure to Success.
Method of Color Calibration (PC)
1. Apply the VESA XGA Lattice (N0. 21) pattern signal to the PC IN port.
2. Press the Source key to switch to “PC” mode.
3. Enter Service mode.
4. Select the “ADC” menu.
5. Select the “PC Calibration” menu.
6. In “PC Calibration Off” status, press the “ ►” key to perform Calibration.
7. When Calibration is complete, it returns to the high-level menu.
8. You can see the change of the “PC Calibration” status from Failure to Success.
Method of Color Calibration (HDMI)
1. Apply the 720p Lattice (N0. 6) pattern signal to the HDMI1/DVI IN port.
2. Press the Source key to switch to “HDMI1” mode.
3. Enter Service mode.
4. Select the “ADC” menu.
5. Select the “HDMI Calibration” menu.
6. In “HDMI Calibration Off” status, press the “►” key to perform Calibration.
7. When Calibration is complete, it returns to the high-level menu.
8. You can see the change of the “HDMI Calibration” status from Failure to Success
Software Upgrade
Software Upgrade can be performed by downloading the. latest firmware from samsung.com to a USB memory device.
• Current Version - The software already installed in the TV.
Software is represented as ‘Year/Month/Day_Version’.
How to Check the Software Version
 Use the Main Menu
1. Click the "MENU" key in remote controller.
2. Select "Support" menu.
3. Locate the menu cursor "Software Upgrade" menu.
4. Click the "INFO" key.
* Check the Main SW and Micom version.
How to Upgrade Software
1. Insert a USB drive containing the firmware upgrade downloaded from samsung.com into the TV.
NOTE: Be careful not to disconnect the power or remove the USB drive while upgrades are being applied.
2. The TV will turn off and turn on automatically after completing the firmware upgrade.
3. Please check the firmware version after the upgrades are complete.
* the new version will have a higher number than the older version.
NOTE:  When software is upgraded, video and audio settings you have made will return to their default (factory) settings.
 Recommend you write down your settings before beginning firmware update.
4. After update is completed, restore your previous settings.
Main Software Upgrade
1. Store the sw program named "T-FXPDEUC" in USB memory stick.
2. Click the "MENU" key in Remote Controller.
3. Select "Support > Software Update > Update Now" menu.
4. Click the "ENTER" key.
 Wait for upgrade complete.
 Check the Software Version.
Sub Software Upgrade
USB Download
1. After Main Software upgrade, Enter the Factory menu by below method.
Factory Remocon
Click the Remocon button continually. (Info key+ Factory key)
Normal Remocon
1 Turn off the TV.
2 Click the Remocon button continually.
2. Select the “SVC”
4. Click the “è” remocon key.
 Wait for upgrade complete.
 Check the Software version.

Loewe Concept L 42 Platinum, Loewe Concept L 42 Anthracite – Plasma TV – faults, reset, software update, Service mode and other adjustments

If a repair exchange has to be carried out, special care has to be taken of the so called E/X Tube. Via this sealed glass tube the panel is bleeded first, after that it becomes filled with gas. If this tube becomes broken, the panel is totally lost. Also when changing the panel, take care of the flex cables, any damages will also lead to a total loss of the panel, as those cables are bonded between the glass layers of the panel.
On the so called Type Labels you will find the panel type and the serial number of the panel. This information should be noted on the delivery notes in case of repair exchange.
Schematic Configuration
The schematic configuration of the panel shows, which PCBs belong together and which signals are conducted to the panel. The mentioned voltages Vs, Va and Vcc are from the PSU, which is part of the panel. Any exchange of the PSU by untrained persons is not recommended, as the voltages on the PSU have to be adapted to the corresponding panel.
General Reset
In the service menu (open with ”8640”, ) under the sub-menu ”reset all” a complete reset can be done.
CAUTION: Here the operating hours as well as the channel storage will be erased.
Over temperature - switch off
”WARNING” will appear, as soon as the temperature on the AV3 electronics exceeds 60DegC (Temperature 1)..
The unit will be switched to Stand By, the red LED is lit as soon as the temperature on the AV3 electronics exceeds 65DegC (Temperature 2)
It is possible to switch on the unit again via remote control.
The unit will be switched to Stand By, the red LED starts to blink as soon as the temperature on the AV3 electronics exceeds 70DegC (Temperature 3). It is not possible to switch on the unit again via remote control.  As soon as the temperature is below 60DegC, the LED stops blinking, it is possible to switch on the unit again.
Software Update
You need:
Update Program ”FlashUpgrader.exe” (for Windows 98 and Windows ME) or ”FlashUpgraderNT.exe” (for Windows NT4.0, Windows 2000 as well as Windows XP). Under Windows 95 the update is not possible.
Actual software (the update software as well as the actual software release for your device is available as zip file at your LOEWE service
Null Modem cable (serial date cable (RS232) with 9 pin female connector on both sides, the wires must be crossed)
Unpack Update Program and new Software into a new directory.
Switch off unit (mains switch).
Start Update-Program.
Select via”Choose...” file ” *.inf” in the new directory with the firmware data.
Set ”Connection” to ”serial”, select the used Com port as well as the Baud—rate (recommended 115200).
All other options remain on ”default” position.
Click on “Flash” anklicken, the program is set to stand by.
Switch on the device using the mains switch. The program starts automatically; the progress is shown on the display. Depending on the selected Baud—rate, the update takes about 3to6 minutes.
Typical Faults
In the case of malfunction, it is recommended to check the external wiring before opening the unit:
Mains power available?
Are the corresponding signal cables connected?
Is there a signal available from the external sources?
Is the corresponding signal source selected?
Also after opening the unit it is recommended to check the internal wiring and connectors to exclude any loose contact.
No display (on all signal modes)
Check In /Outputs of power supply. 
Not possible to switch unit on (remains in Standby)
Check IR remote control (batteries!)
Reinstall software 
Check AV3-electronic 
Missing lines or columns
Check display 
Pixel faults
Due to technological reasons single pixels or sub pixels might fail on TFTs as well as on Plasma displays. As long as the number of faults is within the limits mentioned in the specification, there is no device defect existent .
Missing colors
Check data cable
Check AV3
Check display
Channel search not working / not working properly
Check AV3
Flat-display connectors
If there should be a repair or just a check on a LCD or Plasma panel, it will become necessary to disconnect some of the connectors. Sometimes this is quite complicated, disconnection only with force will lead to total defect of the panel in the worst case. Below there are the most common connectors and how to disconnect them:
Fault finding [Without opening the unit]
Analysis Front LEDs
Red LED remains lit in spite of switching unit on with remote: device stays in standby, possible faults are IR remote control or AV3..
Green LED but no picture: device is active but shows no image, possible faults are: wrong input source selected or panel defective.
Red and green LED is lit at the same time: unit is in an undefined state, fault caused mostly by AV3
Analysis Screen
If with a black screen (no image is displayed) a light gleam is still visible (darken point of view with hand), normally the problem is located in the signal routing and not on the panel itself.
Acoustic Analysis
When switching between the different input sources, there is a gentle click of a relies to be heard. If this is not audible, the problem is certainly located on the AV3.
With open unit
Check supply voltages (use the pins of the connectors for testing points
Problem containment (by means of checking and / or exchange of single PCB’s)..
Noisy picture in tuner mode
Signal level must be higher than 68dbV (typical level of cable TV)
High noise level on RF signal (poor SNR)
Adjust DNC to max. (OSD)
Due to the digital signal processing flat panels are more sensitive to noise levels than 50Hz interlace CRTs or 50Hz progressive CRTs (8Bit resolution, False Contouring, Dithering, De-interlacing, limits of the used PDPs, ...)
Noisy picture in Video mode
High noise level on Video signal (poor source)
Adjust DNC to max. (OSD)
Due to the digital signal processing flat panels are more sensitive to noise levels than 50Hz interlace CRTs or 50Hz progressive CRTs (8Bit resolution, False Contouring, Dithering, De-interlacing, limits of the used PDPs, ...).  If possible do not use FBAS signals, better is SCART-RGB or S-Video.
Regular horizontal or vertical stripes in Video picture
Change position of external signal wiring (emission of PDPs)
Humming loop (ground shift)
Video picture only in black and white
Poor signal level or non-standard signal
Signal not supported (e.g. NTSC via RF)
At channel search, not all channels are recognized or recognized with the wrong name.
Device is not supporting PDC
Device is working with internal channel name table, if the channel name changes shortly, this may lead to wrong information
Image is flat and low contrast (Video/VGA)
The factory defaults for brightness and contrast are suitable for most applications, only for exceptions this settings should be changed
Also other settings and adjustments might influence the picture quality, for this reason always first reset to factory defaults (OSD Menu).
Picture out of focus in VGA-Mode
Max. Resolution of 848x480 is recommended
In rare cases (poor signal quality or unfavorable display), auto—adjustment is not able to work correctly (see the Operating manual), select manual adjustment in the OSD
Adjust focus in menu Picture to the signal source.
Startup sequence AV3 in connection with the PSU of the Plasma:
1. On CN801 of the PDP PSU, Pin3, +5VDC appears.
2. CN801, Pin1 (ACDET) switches to ”high”, as soon as the voltage from the PSU becomes higher than 90VAC. If the voltage remains under 90VAC, the startup will stop here (is interrupted by the AV3).
3. To start the plasma, the signal RYLON (CN801, Pin2) is set to 5V, which causes the startup of the low voltages on the PSU, as e.g. 5V, 12V, 30V, etc.
4. The signal 5VDET (CN801, Pin6) is under surveillance. If the signal is ”low”, the AV3 will set RYLON = 0V (this causes the switch off of the panel).
5. On ”high”- signal (RYLON = 5V) the AV3 will set VSON to ”high” (CN801, Pin5) and will switch also the high voltages, the panel is under operation.
Service OSD
Beside the User-OSD there is an additional Service-OSD, in which settings and adjustments can be made which will change the performance of the display, alternatively will show information which are helpful for service. For this reason the access to this menu should only be familiar to suitable educated persons.
To enter the service menu, first the user menu has to be opened (button ”menu” on your remote control), afterwards you can enter the service menu by typing the code ”8640” on your remote control.
The following menu will appear (the values which are shown are only wildcards and will differ in most cases from the effective values).
Version / System Info
Sub menu Version / System Info shows the actual software version, the hardware version and the audio processor type (MSP).
There are no adjustments possible. In all service cases, where consultation with the manufacturer should be necessary, for this information will be asked.
Operation Time
Sub menu Operation Time shows the operation time of the complete unit (also standby) as well as the operation time of the panel.
Via”Reset” both values can be reset to ”0” . This is necessary when, e.g. the panel has been exchanged during repair.
CAUTION: If here the values are reset to ”0”, there is no other possibility to assess the operating time of the device. It is highly recommended to record the operating time in written form in the repair form or in different form.
Default Color setting
In sub menu Default Color Setting the basic adjustment of the colors for all input sources is set.
The offset value defines the color temperature for the complete display, including the background; the gain-value influences the colors of the image content.
As a basic principle it should always be tried to do any color adjustments via the user menu, for certain applications, however, it might be necessary to do adjustments in this menu (e.g. applications in T.V. producing branches).
Temperature Setting
The AV3-electronics contains an implemented temperature-control, which consists of three steps
The factory made values are for optimum operation of the device and should only be changed in extreme individual cases after consulting the manufacturer.
Any defects, caused by unauthorized changes in the temperature control, will automatically lead to loss of any warranty claims.
For service purpose it is possible to reset the Max.— / and MIN.—Temperature. This allows checking, if the unit moves towards critical temperatures at certain applications.
Sub Volume
Sub-menu Sub Volume sets the pre-adjustment for the volume of all input sources, respectively Line out Audio.
Factory-made all levels are set to the same value, in some cases the output levels of some peripheral devices on customer side might be different. For this, the customization can be done here.
Reset Everything
With Reset Everything all adjustments, the channel memory, the Max.— / Min.—Temperatures as well as the Operating hours will be reset, which means the device is in the same status as originally delivered by the manufacturer.  This should only be done after consulting the manufacturer, as with the erased temperatures and operating hours important information will be lost which might be necessary for warranty claims.
Life Expectancy
The anticipated life-time is estimated about 60.000 hours of continuous operation. Average life-time is the time when the brightness level becomes half of its initial value.
Typical Faults
Following examples are typical panel faults. It is assumed that whenever a row or column is missing completely or partly, the problem is caused by a problem in the plasma electronics and not by external electronics
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
To discover any problems of the plasma panel, it is most simple to check the voltages on the PSU. Consider that not all voltages are present in case of failure, as the PSU is dependent of a handshake voltage from the panel
The LVTTL signal, which is present at the output of the AV3 electronics, is generated into a LVDS signal, which is necessary for operating the plasma, on the LVDS-Interface-Board (LVDS= Low Voltage Differential Signal).  The board is mounted fix to the AV3 via connector X2, the changed signal (LVTTL to LVDS) is routed from X1 directly to the logic board of the plasma. The supply of the LVDS-Transmitter IC is also solved via X2 (Pin 15 -18 = +5V; Pin 1, 2, 19, 20, 29, 30, 39, 40, 49, 50 = GND)

Guitar amplifier schematic – used ICs: MC4558, TDA7294

Simple and very sensitive circuit.  Can be assembled easily on a perforated universal PWB.  Keep all the input leads very short in length to avoid input interference.  Use high quality shield wire to input signals.  Easily available ICs are used.
The output IC TDA7294 should be mounted on aluminium extruded heat-sink, Use of heat-sink compound is a must.
Click on the schematic to zoom in

Grundig LCD TV Power Supply (SMPS VTY194-32) schematic for 22, 28, 32, 40 and 48 inch

For Models:
22QUER521, 22QUER4400, 22QUER4421, 22QUER5420, 22QUER5400,
22QUER5421, 22VLE5421, 22VLE5520, 28VLE4400, 28VLE4401,
28VLE4500, 28VLE5401, 28VLE5401, 28VLE5500, 32QUER555,
32QUER555, 32QUER4400, 32QUER4401, 32QUER5400, 32QUER5400,
32QUER5405, 32QUER5405, 32QUER5406 , 40QUER521, 40QUER555,
40QUER685, 40VLE4420, 40VLE4421, 40VLE5420, 40VLE5421, 40VLE5425,
48QUER555, 48QUER685, 48QUER4420, 48QUER4421, 48QUER5420, 48QUER5421 
28CLE5407, 32CLE5407, 40CLE5427, 48CLE5427.
PWB - component and foil side
Schematic [Circuit diagram]
Click on the pictures to magnify

Sony HCD-GT3D DVD receiver – Error codes, how to enter service mode, service adjustments, how to eject disc in emergency, Main Amp circuit diagram and more …

The laser diode in the optical pick-up block may suffer electrostatic break-down because of the potential difference generated by the charged electrostatic load, etc. on clothing and the human body.  During repair, pay attention to electrostatic break-down and also use the procedure in the printed matter which is included in the repair parts.  The flexible board is easily damaged and should be handled with care.
The laser beam on this model is concentrated so as to be focused on the disc reflective surface by the objective lens in the optical pickup block. Therefore, when checking the laser diode emission, observe from more than 30 cm away from the objective lens.
AR : Argentina model
AUS : Australian model
E4 : African model
EA : Saudi Arabia model
LA9 : Latin-American model
MY : Malaysia model
RU : Russian model
TH : Thai model
IC001, IC002, IC101, IC105, IC106, IC301, IC302 and IC303 on the MOTHERBOARD board cannot exchange with single.
When these parts on the MOTHERBOARD board are damaged, exchange the entire mounted board.
When the MS-476 board is defective, exchange the entire LOADING COMPLETE ASSY
The disc tray lock function for the anti-theft of an demonstration disc in the store is equipped.
Releasing Procedure
1. Press [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press [FUNCTION] button and turn the [MULTI CONTROL]
knob to select “DVD/CD” function, then press [ENTER] button.
3. Press the [ENTER] button and [VOCAL FADER] button simultaneously and hold down for around 3 seconds.
4. The message “UNLOCKED” is displayed and the disc tray is unlocked.
Note: When “LOCKED” is displayed, the slot lock is not released by turning power on/off with the [Power] button.
When IC1001 on the DAMP board and the complete DAMP board are replaced, it is necessary to spread the compound between parts and heat sink.
When the MOTHERBOARD board or BLUETOOTH module or RC-S730 (WW) board are replaced, please execute the below service mode.
Pairing this system with a Bluetooth device
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Place the Bluetooth device within 1 meter (3 feet) from the system.
3. Press BLUETOOTH on the unit to select Bluetooth function.
“BT AUDIO” appears in the display panel.
4. Hold down BLUETOOTH on the unit for 2 seconds or more.
“PAIRING” flashes in the display panel.
5. Perform the pairing procedure on the Bluetooth device.
6. Select the model number of the unit on the display of the Bluetooth device.
For example, select “SONY : MHC-GT3D”. If passkey is required on the Bluetooth device, enter “0000”.
7. Perform the Bluetooth connection on the Bluetooth device.
8. When pairing is completed and the Bluetooth connection is established, the Bluetooth device name appears in the display panel.
9. To cancel pairing operation, hold down BLUETOOTH on the unit for 2 seconds or more until “BT AUDIO” appears in the display panel.
Connecting with a Smartphone by one touch (NFC)
[The operation in this mode must use a NFC-compatible Smartphone (Smartphone with a built-in NFC function [OS: Android 2.3.3 or later, excluding Android 3.x])]
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Download and install the app “NFC Easy Connect”.  Download the free Android app from Google Play by searching for “NFC Easy Connect”.
3. Start the app “NFC Easy Connect” on the Smartphone.  Make sure that the application screen is displayed.
4. Touch the Smartphone to the N-Mark on the system until the Smartphone vibrates.
Complete the connection by following the instructions displayed on the Smartphone.
5. When pairing is completed and the Bluetooth connection is established, the Bluetooth device name appears in the display panel.
Playing music from a Bluetooth device
For a Bluetooth device
1. Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
2. Press BLUETOOTH on the unit to select Bluetooth function. “BT AUDIO” appears in the display panel.
3. Establish connection with the Bluetooth device.  Press BLUETOOTH on the unit to connect to the last connected Bluetooth device.  Perform the Bluetooth connection from the Bluetooth device if the device is not connected.  Once the connection is established, the Bluetooth device name appears in the display panel.
4. Press N.
Depending on the Bluetooth device,
> you may have to press N twice.
> you may need to start playback of an audio source on the Bluetooth device.
For an NFC-compatible Smartphone
Press the [Power] button to turn the power on.
Touch the Smartphone to the N-Mark on the system to establish the Bluetooth connection.  Start playback of an audio source on the Smartphone. For details on playback, refer to the operating instructions of your Smartphone.
To disconnect the Bluetooth device For a Bluetooth device
Press BLUETOOTH on the unit.
“BT AUDIO” appears in the display panel.
For an NFC-compatible Smartphone
Touch the Smartphone to the N-Mark on the system again.
To erase all the pairing registration information perform COLD RESET test mode.
The cold reset clears all data including preset data stored in the data flash to initial conditions included history mode data. Execute this mode when returning the set to the customer.
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press Stop button and [S4 TUNING + >>] button simultaneously for 3 seconds.
3. “COLD RST” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.
After that, the fluorescent indicator tube will display “SONY DEMO”. The set will automatically Power ON and Power OFF again, and the system is reset.
1: After the side panel and top panel are removed, this work is done.
2: Prepare the thin wire (clip etc. processed to the length of 8 cm or more).
Click on the pictures to Magnify
This mode is used to check the fluorescent indicator tube, LEDs, keys, [VOLUME/DJ CONTROL] jog, model, destination and software version.
1. Press [Stop¬] button and [S3 TUNING – <<.] button simultaneously and hold 3 seconds.
2. All LEDs and segments in fluorescent indicator tube are lighted up.
3. When you want to enter to the software version display mode, press [S2 +] button.
The model information appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.
Press [S2+] button again to view the destination information.
4. During the destination information display, press [S2 +] button. Each time [S2 +] button is pressed, the fluorescent indicator tube shows the version of each category software in the following sequence: SC, MTK, OPU, UI, PF, SUB, SYS, CD, CMA, CMB, ST, TA, TM and return back to model information display.
5. When [Stop¬] button is pressed while the version numbers are being displayed except model and destination, the date of the software creation appears. When Stop button is pressed again, the display returns to the software version display.
6. When [ENTER] button is pressed after all LEDs and segments in fluorescent indicator tube light up, alternate segments in fluorescent indicator tube and LEDs would light up, all Party
Light LEDs would light up in red color. If you press [ENTER] button again, another half of alternate segments in fluorescent indicator tube and LEDs would light up, all Party Light LEDs
would light up in green color. Pressing [ENTER] button again would cause all segments in fluorescent indicator tube and LEDs light up, all Party Light LEDs would light up in blue color. Pressing [ENTER] button again would turn off all segments in fluorescent indicator tube and all LEDs including Party Light LEDs.
7. Press [S1 –] button, the key check mode is activated.
8. In the key check mode, the fluorescent indicator tube displays “K0 V0E0”.  Each time a button is pressed, “K” value increases. However, once a button has been pressed, it is no longer taken into account. After all the buttons have been pressed, "K" value will toggle between "OK" and "K24".
“V” value increases in the manner of 0, 1, 2, 3 ... if [VOLUME/ DJ CONTROL] knob is turned clockwise, or it decreases in the manner of 0, 9, 8, 7 ... if [VOLUME/DJ CONTROL] knob is turned counterclockwise.
“E” value increases in the manner of 0, 1, 2, 3 ... if [MULTI CONTROL] knob is turned clockwise, or it decreases in the manner of 0, 9, 8, 7 ... if [MULTI CONTROL] knob is turned
9. To release from this mode, press the buttons in the same manner as step 1, or disconnect the power cord.
The user reset clears all data including preset data stored in the data
flash to initial conditions exclude history mode data.
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press [ENTER] button and [S4 TUNING +>>] button simultaneously for 3 seconds.
3. “RESET” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube. After that, the fluorescent indicator tube becomes blank for a while, and the system goes to demo mode.
This mode let you lock the disc tray. When this mode is activated, the disc tray will not open when [Eject] button is pressed. The message “LOCKED” will be displayed on the fluorescent indicator
tube. This mode only applied when there is disc on the tray.
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press [FUNCTION] button and turn the [MULTI CONTROL] knob to select “DVD/CD” function, then press [ENTER] button.
3. Press [ENTER] button and [VOCAL FADER] button simultaneously and hold down until “LOCKED” or “UNLOCKED” displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube (around 3 seconds).
It can clear the Bluetooth pairing history.
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press [-PAIRING BLUETOOTH] button to turn the Bluetooth function.
3. Press two buttons of [ENTER] and [S1 –] simultaneously for 3 seconds.
4. The message “BT HIST” è“CLEAR” is displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube, and the pairing history of Bluetooth is cleared.
This mode is used to check important data stored in the system when PROTECTOR happened.
1. During demo mode, press [Stop­] button and [S2 +] button for 5 seconds to mode into history mode.
2. Press the [S4 TUNING +>>|] button or [S3 TUNING – |<<.] button to check history data stored.
To release from this mode, press [Power] button.
Protect Type & Description
This mode let you change the color system of the video output from PAL to NTSC or vice-versa.
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press [FUNCTION] button and turn the [MULTI CONTROL] knob to select “DVD/CD” function, then press [ENTER] button.
3. Press [ENTER] button and [MIC ECHO] button simultaneously and hold for 3 seconds.
4. The message “PAL” or “NTSC” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.
* To release from DVD Color System Mode
1. Once the color system has been selected, the mode is fixed there after. If you wish to change the mode again, perform the above item 2 again.
This mode let you make diagnosis and adjustment easily by using the remote commander and the TV. The instructions, diagnostic results, etc. are given on the on-screen display.
To enter to DVD Service Mode
1. Press [Power] button to turn on the system.
2. Press [FUNCTION] button and turn the [MULTI CONTROL] knob to select “DVD/CD” function, then press [ENTER] button.
3. Press [SOUND FIELD] button and [VOCAL FADER] button simultaneously and hold 3 seconds.
4. The message “SERVICE IN” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.
The display of the “Model Name” of the “Remocon Diagnosis Menu” change with the model and the destination appears on screen display. Refer to below on the model name.
5. To execute each function, press its number by using numeric button on the remote commander.
6. To release from this mode, press [Power] button to turn off the system.
Execute IOP Measurement
In order to execute IOP measurement; the following standard procedures must be followed.
1. From the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu, select “2. 
Drive Manual Operation” by pressing the [2] button on the remote commander. The following screen appears on the onscreen display.
2. Select “3. Manual Adjustment” by pressing the [3] button on the remote commander. The following screen appears on the on-screen display.
3. Select “6. Iop:” by pressing the [6] button on the remote commander.
4. Wait until a hexadecimal number appears in the on-screen display as below:
5. Convert data from hexadecimal to decimal by using conversion table.
6. Please find the label on the rear of the BU (Base Unit).
The default IOP value is written in the label.
7. Subtract between these two values.
8. If the remainder is smaller than 93 (decimal), then it is OK.
However if the value is higher than 93, then the BU is defective and need to be change.
9. Press [RETURN] button on the remote commander to return to previous menu.
10. Press the [0] button on the remote commander to return to the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu.
11. Press [Power] button to turn off the system.
Check Emergency History
To check the emergency history, please follow the following procedure.
1. From the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu, select “3. Emergency History” by pressing the [3] button on the remote commander. The following screen appears on the onscreen display.
2. You can check the total time when the laser is turned on during playback of DVD and CD from the above menu. The maximum time, which can be displayed are 999h 59min.
3. You can check the error code of latest 10 emergency history from the above menu. To view the previous or next page of emergency history, press the [|<<] button or [>>|] button on the remote commander. The error code consists of “Error Code”, “Parameter of error code” and “Time of error 
Error codes
01: Communication error (No reply from syscon)
02: Syscon hung up
03: Power OFF request when syscon hung up
19: Thermal shutdown
24: MoveSledHome error
25: Mechanical move error (5 Changer)
26: Mechanical move stack error
30: DC motor adjustment error
31: DPD offset adjustment error
32: TE balance adjustment error
33: TE sensor adjustment error
34: TE loop gain adjustment error
35: FE loop gain adjustment error
36: Bad jitter after adjustment
40: Focus NG
42: Focus layer jump NG
51: Spindle stop error
52: Open kick spindle error
60: Focus on error
61: Seek fail error
62: Read Q data/ID error
70: Lead in data read fail
71: TOC read time out (CD)
80: Can’t buffering
81: Unknown media type
To clear the Laser Hours 
Press the [ DISPLAY] button and then press the [CLEAR] button. The data for both CD and DVD data are reset.
To clear the Emergency History
Press the [DVD TOP MENU] button and then press the [CLEAR] button.
The error code for all emergency history would be reset.
To clear the Initialize Setup Data
Press the [DVD/TUNER MENU] button and then press the [CLEAR] button on the remote commander.
To return to the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu
Press the [0] button on the remote commander.
* Check Version Information
To check the version information, please follow the following procedure.
1. From the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu, select “4.
Version information” by pressing the [4] button on the remote commander.
To return to the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu, press the [0] button on the remote commander.
SMPS Board Diagnosis Flow

Power amplifier schematic – 100Watts, using 6L6 and 12AX7 tubes

6L6 can be substituted by 6N3C tube, provided a very small change to heater voltage.
The heater voltage for 6L6 is 6.6VAC and for the 6N3C is 6.3VAC.
The substitute for 12AX7 is ECC83
Matched pairs of 6L6 or 6N3C should be used at the output stage. Otherwise, some bias adjustments should be done to compensate the gain of the output valves. (R42) is the adjusting resistor for this purpose.
Use good quality valve sockets to avoid distortion. Some sockets may have poor contacts, and should be avoided. Sockets with gold plated contacts are recommended.
Pre-amplifier schematic
Push-pull power amplifier schematic
Pin numbers are indicated with one of the 6L6 valve at (top-left) in the circuit. 
Click on the schematics to magnify

AOC LC42H053, AOC LC42H053, AOC LC42D1320 LCD TVs - SMPS Schematic – 715G3885P03W

Used ICs: ICE2PCS02G, SSC9502S, A6069H, STW20NM60[FET] – AOC 42 inch LCD TV power supply circuit diagram
Component side
Foil side
Schematic (Circuit diagram)
Click on the schematic to zoom in

715G3829P02 LCD TV power supply circuit diagram - Insignia NS-421780a12, VizioPWTV9QG2LAAW, Vizio E21VA, Vizio E421VA, Vizio E320VA, LC42R03FC

715G3829P02 LCD TV power supply schematic. Used ICs: FAN7529MX, AB059H, LD7523GS, OZ9976GN-C-0-TR, AOTF12N50(FET) 
Component layout
Foil side
Main inverter
Back-light inverter
Click on the pictures to magnify

Sony KDL46XBR10, Sony KDL52XBR10 LCD TVs – how to troubleshoot backlight problems – 6 blinks – shutdown

Sony XBR-10 series LED LCD TVs - Back-light troubleshooting - with, 6 blinks-shutdown or No shutdown
Super Slim Design
The use of LED’s along the bottom edge of the LCD panel along with new circuit board designs and mounting allows for the creation of an exceptionally slim television. The depth of the panel varies from 15.8mm (0.622”) at the top, 40.3mm (1.59”) at the rear cover and 57.3mm (2.26”) at the bottom where the speakers are housed.
Edge LED Back-lighting
High-intensity LED’s strategically placed along the bottom edge of the LCD panel along and a wave guide diffuser plate that disperses the light to allow for a dramatic reduction of the depth of the television.
Power supply failures occurring in the media receiver or monitor will provide a diagnostics code via the POWER/STBY LED on the affected device. In situations where a complete power supply failure occurs there will not be a diagnostics indicator
LED Back-light Drive
The LED back-light power supply located on the GD1 board is shown. IC6700 contains the oscillator and drive circuits for the switching transistors Q6706 and Q6707. The PFC 390V source provides drive voltage to the switching circuit. T6700 and T6701 form a dual output switching supply.
One common phase output from each transformer is tied together to form a single positive voltage. The remaining outputs are used to provide 2 negative voltage sources which are split to provide 2 sources each for a total of 4 negative supply voltages.  4 groups of series connected LED back-lights are driven from the positive side by the common +OUT voltage. Each of the 4 groups is driven by an individual –OUT voltage. The common +OUT voltage is fixed at approximately +49VDC referenced to chassis ground. The -OUT voltage level varies depending on the back-light level setting in the customer menu. The level of this voltage is controlled by the PWM_DIMMER line entering at CN6253 pin 9. The activity of this PWM line can be read with a DVM. The DC voltage level varies from approximately 2.7V at maximum back-light down to 0.34V at minimum back-light. The voltage range of the –OUT lines (referenced to chassis ground) is approximately -22VDC at minimum back-light to -45VDC at maximum level.
An additional dimming control source is available at pin 6 of CN6253.  This is a DC dimming control and is primarily affected by the dynamic back-light control circuits which are monitoring relative video level of the displayed picture. The DC voltage at this line varies from 2.8V at maximum
brightness to 0.96V at minimum.
The television will shut down and display a 6 blink error code on the POWER/STBY LED if the following faults occur:
Loss of PFC390 to the switching transistors (this is independently fused by R6705.)
* A fault in the switching supply causing it to not turn on.
* A loss of output from one or more of the –OUT lines.
* A failure of one or more back-light LED’s in one of the series strings
* Missing back-light on command.
Back-light Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting back-light failures is relatively straight forward for this design. The PFC voltage generated on the same GD1 board must be present. The back-light on command at pin 8 of CN6253 must go high (approx. 3.3V). The PWM and DC dimmer lines must not be zero. If all of the above criteria are met, power will be applied to the LED back-light groups. The back-light troubleshooting flowchart in Figure will assist in locating the cause of back-light issues.
With 6X Shutdown
In most cases, a fault occurring in the back-light circuits will cause a shutdown with a 6 blink error code. Determining the reason for the shutdown involves viewing the screen for any back light activity. The unit will generate 3 attempts to achieve successful back-lighting.
If no evidence of back-lighting appears on the screen, it can be assumed the inverter circuit is not starting. Verify the back-light on command is going high during the 3 attempts. If it is, the fault lies on the GD1 board. If the back-light on command does not go high, look for an open connection between the QTM and GD1 board or replace the QTM board. This  symptom is very unusual to encounter. In most cases where the back-light. on command does not go high, the back-lights will not light and the unit will not shut down. A failure outside of the GD1 board is suspect.
If the back-lights light evenly across the screen, the inverter circuit is likely shutting down due to excessive voltage or current conditions. This would require replacement of the GD1 board.
If one of the LED’s in the 4 groups fails, the unit will shut down with a 6X error. This condition will appear on the screen as a large vertical band of no back-lighting on ¼ of the screen. This symptom is quite easy to see as the unit will make 3 attempts before shutting down.
With No Shutdown
If the unit turns on with no back-lights but does not shut down, the GD1 board is the least likely component. If the DC or PWM dimmer lines fall to zero, the back-lights will not turn on. This is also true for the back-light on command. A back-light command that does not go high is usually caused by a “hung” microprocessor which has stopped during the boot routine.
Loss of PWM dimmer signal is a fault with the microprocessor. A loss of the DC dimmer voltage usually indicates a defective TCON. 
Fortunately, all of these circuits are located on the QTM board and should be remedied by the replacement of this component.

How to troubleshoot power supply problems – Sony EX2S/EX2WM Direct-View LCD Television Chassis: KDL46XBR10, KDL52XBR10

Power Supplies and Protection
The GB2 board receives AC input and provides a standby power source along with a switched supply to generate the necessary voltages used by the various circuits.
Since the media receiver and monitor function as separate devices, they contain their own power supplies and protection circuits. Both power supplies function in a similar manner in that standby power is generated to keep the media receiver and monitor in a “ready” state. The primary difference between the two is that the media receiver power supply also keeps the main switching supply active at all times. The monitor power supply contains an additional converter circuit to generate the necessary voltages to drive the LED back-lighting system.
Media Receiver Power
AC input is applied directly to bridge rectifier D6000 without a relay to interrupt power. The main switching supply is run constantly whenever AC power is applied, thus, providing a constant unregulated 12V source. This is necessary to provide constant power for the wireless module.
The constant unregulated 12V also provides the operating power for the standby power supply. A regulated 3.3V source is generated to provide power to the microprocessor on the BUB board along with constant power to the RF remote module.
Zener diode D6255 monitors the standby 3.3V for any over-voltage condition. Q6254, in conjunction with a current monitoring resistor (not
shown) monitors for excessive current levels within the standby supply circuits. If the OVP or LVP circuits are activated, Q6252 and Q6253 are turned on, creating a latch circuit. Q6250 and Q6251 function as an onoff switch to disable IC6250 in the standby supply. As long as the over current condition exists, the standby supply will remain turned off.
IC6400 functions as an AC detect circuit. If AC power is lost at the bridge rectifier or the main switching supply fails, the AC Off detect exiting at CN1003 pin 2 will go low. This is detected by TV Micro IC3002 on the BUB board. The shift registers in the CPU are cleared for a reliable re-start should the AC detect line return back to normal.
Monitor Power
 Monitor power supply located on the GD1 board used in the monitor. It is similar to power supplies found in most Sony televisions. A dedicated standby switching regulator provides power for the devices that must remain running constantly. A main switching supply is activated at turn-on along with an additional inverter to supply power for the LED back-lights.

Standby Power
When in standby mode, the main relay RY6000 is open. AC power is applied to the bridge rectifier D6002 through current limit resistor R6002.
The PFC circuit is inactive at this time so the rectified 160V is distributed to the standby, primary and LED drive power supplies. Only the standby is functional at this time.
Regulated 3.3V is provided for the QTM board via CN6253 pin 3. An unregulated 15V source (PRI_VCC) is generated on the primary side of T6200 of the standby supply. This voltage is used to provide a power source to turn on the main relay and the primary switching supply.
Primary Power
When the unit is turned on, a high command (3.3V) enters at CN6253 pin 1. This high passes through inverter Q6350, photo coupler PH6301 and inverter Q6304 to turn on switch Q6203. PRI_VCC is now available to turn on main relay RY6000, the PFC circuit and the primary power supply.
The DC voltage exiting the PFC circuit rises to approximately 390V. The primary switching supply outputs a regulated 12V and unregulated 12V for the audio circuits which is sent to the QTM board.
LED Inverter
A dedicated switching supply is used to provide variable power for the groups of series connected LED back-lights located along the lower
edge of the LCD panel. This power supply is turned on by a back-light on command (not shown). Operation of this power supply is discussed in a separate section in this chapter.
The GD1 board contains circuits to monitor temperature, voltage and current conditions. The PFC circuit is monitored for excessive temperature and voltage by IC6300. If either of these exceeds specified limits, IC6300 pulls down the power on command, causing the main relay to open along with stopping the PFC and primary supply.
If the regulated 12V source from the primary supply exceeds the specified limit (15V), the latch circuit consisting of Q6251 and Q6253 is activated.  This pulls down the power on command turning off the PFC and primary supply as described in the previous paragraph.
The regulated 12V source is monitored by the QTM board. If this voltage is lost, the unit will shut down and display groups of 5 blinks on the power/standby LED. Activation of any of the protect circuits on the GD1 board will cause this symptom.
Power supply failures occurring in the media receiver or monitor will provide a diagnostics code via the POWER/STBY LED on the affected
device. In situations where a complete power supply failure occurs there will not be a diagnostics indicator. Figure  contains a troubleshooting flowchart to determine the cause of a no-power condition in the media receiver of monitor.
LED Back-light Drive
In Figure, the LED back-light power supply located on the GD1 board is shown. IC6700 contains the oscillator and drive circuits for the switching transistors Q6706 and Q6707. The PFC 390V source provides drive voltage to the switching circuit. T6700 and T6701 form a dual output switching supply.
One common phase output from each transformer is tied together to form a single positive voltage. The remaining outputs are used to provide 2 negative voltage sources which are split to provide 2 sources each for a total of 4 negative supply voltages.  4 groups of series connected LED back-lights are driven from the positive side by the common +OUT voltage. Each of the 4 groups is driven by an individual –OUT voltage. The common +OUT voltage is fixed at approximately +49VDC referenced to chassis ground. The -OUT voltage level varies depending on the back-light level setting in the customer menu. The level of this voltage is controlled by the PWM_DIMMER line entering at CN6253 pin 9. The activity of this PWM line can be read with a DVM. The DC voltage level varies from approximately 2.7V at maximum back-light down to 0.34V at minimum back-light. The voltage range of the –OUT lines (referenced to chassis ground) is approximately -22VDC at minimum back-light to -45VDC at maximum level.
An additional dimming control source is available at pin 6 of CN6253. This is a DC dimming control and is primarily affected by the dynamic back-light control circuits which are monitoring relative video level of the displayed picture. The DC voltage at this line varies from 2.8V at maximum brightness to 0.96V at minimum.
The television will shut down and display a 6 blink error code on the POWER/STBY LED if the following faults occur: • Loss of PFC390 to the switching transistors (this is independently
fused by R6705.
 A fault in the switching supply causing it to not turn on.
 A loss of output from one or more of the –OUT lines.
 A failure of one or more back-light LED’s in one of the series strings
 Missing back-light on command.

Onkyo HTP680 – how to adjust the idling current, sub-woofer circuit diagram – 2SC5359, 2SA1987

Onkyo 7.1-ch home theater speaker package black model HTP-680(B)
Powered sub-woofer / adjustment of idling current
1. Exchange transistors (Q505 - Q519).
2. Exchange MAIN PC board ass'y (NAAF-8829).
Note: No speaker load and No input signal.
1. Short test point P631 for amplifier is under active mode.
2. Adjust the trimming resistor R544 so that the reading of multimeter becomes 52 ohm to 53 ohm.
3. Connect the DC voltmeter to test point P531.
4. Connect the power cord into the AC outlet.
5. Confirm the voltage of above point after 6 minutes to 8 minutes. (Heat running)
6. When less than 3.20 mV : Readjust the trimming resistor above so that the voltage becomes 4.5 mV to 5.0 mV.
When 3.30 mV to 5.20 mV : Not necessary to adjust.
When 5.21 mV to 10.0 mV : Readjust the trimming resistor above so that the voltage becomes 5.0 mV to 5.5 mV.
When 10.1 mV to 20.0 mV : Readjust the trimming resistor above so that the voltage becomes 5.6 mV to 6.0 mV.
7. Disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet.
8. Disconnect the DC voltmeter.

Sub-woofer circuit diagram [Schematic]

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